Feb 16, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Applied Music-Instrumental - Clarinet Concentration (BM)
Program Educational Goals
By graduation, students will…
- Present musical performances on the clarinet that successfully demonstrate a high level of technical competency and meaningful artistic expression that is informed by theoretical, historical, and cultural contexts.
- Demonstrate a core knowledge in research methods, musical and historical analyses, and technological competencies with the ability to integrate these skills in order to effectively communicate to diverse audiences.
- Collaborate and create opportunities in professional musical environments as well as community-based organizations.
- Develop their awareness of local and global communities and promote values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility through their work as musical artists.
- Apply teaching and professional skills informed by fundamental technique and musicianship on their primary instrument that can be applied flexibly and creatively to train musicians at different ages and stages of development.
College Requirements:
Second Writing Requirement:
A Second Writing Requirement approved by the College of Arts and Sciences. This course must be taken after completion of 60 credit hours, completed with a minimum grade of C-, and the section enrolled must be designated as satisfying the requirement in the academic term completed. Mathematics:
The math requirement must be completed by the time a student has earned 60 credits. Students who transfer into the College of Arts and Sciences with 45 credits or more must complete this requirement within two semesters. Complete one of the following options (minimum grade D-): Foreign Language:
- Completion of the intermediate-level course (106) in an ancient or modern language.
- The number of credits (0-8) needed and initial placement will depend on the number of years of high school study of foreign language.
- Students who have gained proficiency in a foreign language through means other than high school work may be exempt from this requirement. Please consult the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures for more information about exemption exams.
College Breadth Requirements:
Up to three credits from each of the University Breadth Requirement categories may be used to simultaneously satisfy these College of Arts and Sciences Breadth Requirements. Minimum grade C- required for courses used to satisfy College Breadth. Music courses, or any courses cross-listed with Music courses, cannot be used to satisfy breadth requirements. Applied Music - Instrumental Major Requirements:
- The concentration designates the student’s principal instrument. A list of instrumental options can be obtained from the Department or the University Advisement Center.
- Grade of C- or better required in all courses in the major. See Department for instrumental options.
Music Theory Electives:
At least four credits from the following: Music Electives:
- 9 credits of any MUSC courses, excluding MUSC561.
- May include two credits of ensembles from the following list:
Concentration Requirements:
Twelve credits selected from the following: All Ensembles may be repeated. Electives:
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credit requirement for the degree. Credits to Total a Minimum of 126
Last Revised for 2022-2023 Academic Year