Mar 01, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CPEG 498 - Senior Design I Credit(s): 3 SENIOR DESIGN I Component: Lecture Students apply their accumulated classroom knowledge to an electrical and computer engineering design problem. Students work in small teams and must present their finished designs at the end of the term. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with ELEG 498 . Requirement Designations: Discovery Learning Experience Capstone: Design Project Course Typically Offered: Fall General Education Objectives: GE1A: Read Critically GE1B: Analyze Arguments and Information GE1C: Engage in Constructive Ideation GE2A: Communicate Effectively in Writing GE2B: Communicate Orally GE5A: Reason Quantitatively GE5B: Reason Computationally GE5C: Reason Scientifically