Mar 10, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CGSC 378 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speaking

Credit(s): 3
Component: Lecture
Introduction to structures and processes underlying human speech production. Anatomical, physiological and neurological bases of speech-related processes, including breathing, phonation and articulation. Primary emphasis is to learn names and functions of various structures involved in speech production and to gain understanding of how they serve to support speaking in normally functioning humans.
Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option
PREREQ: A grade of “C” or better in CGSC375 or CGSC 376 .
Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring
General Education Objectives:
GE1A: Read Critically GE1B: Analyze Arguments and Information GE2A: Communicate Effectively in Writing GE2B: Communicate Orally GE4: Critically Evaluate Ethical Implications GE5C: Reason Scientifically