Feb 16, 2025
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Women and Gender Studies (BA)
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College Requirements:
College Breadth Requirements:
The College Breadth requirements are in addition to the University Breadth requirement. Up to three credits from each of the University Breadth Requirement categories may be used to simultaneously satisfy these College of Arts and Sciences Breadth Requirements. Minimum grade C- required for courses used to satisfy College Breadth. *If the grade earned is sufficient, a course may be applied toward more than one requirement (e.g., breadth and major requirements), but the credits are counted only once toward the total credits for graduation. If all but one course in a group has been taken in one department or program, a course cross-listed with that program will not satisfy the distribution requirement. Foreign Language:
- Completion of the intermediate-level course (107 or 202) in an ancient or modern language with minimum grades of D-.
- The number of credits (0-12) needed and initial placement will depend on the number of years of high school study of foreign language.
- Students with four or more years of high school work in a single foreign language, or who have gained proficiency in a foreign language by other means, may attempt to fulfill the requirement in that language by taking an exemption examination through the Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department.
The math requirement must be completed by the time a student has earned 60 credits. Students who transfer into the College of Arts and Sciences with 45 credits or more must complete this requirement within two semesters. Complete one of the following four options (minimum grade D-): Option Two:
One of the following: Option Four:
- Successful performance on a proficiency test in mathematics administered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences (0 credits awarded).
Second Writing Requirement:
A Second Writing Requirement approved by the College of Arts and Sciences. This course must be taken after completion of 60 credit hours, completed with a minimum grade of C-, and the section enrolled must be designated as satisfying the requirement in the academic term completed. Women and Gender Studies Major Requirements:
A grade of C- is required in all major courses. No more than 51 credits with the WOMS prefix (including crosslisted courses) may be counted toward the total required for the degree. Restricted Electives:
Eighteen credits from the following (only sections actively crosslisted with WOMS for the given semester). Nine elective credits must be earned at the 200-level or above. Nine elective credits must be earned at the 300-level or above. - ANTH 223 - Food, Gender and Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 305 - The Evolution of Human Sex Roles and Reproduction Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 310 - Wives, Mistresses, and Matriarchs: Asian Women’s Lives Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 312 - Asian Women in the Globalized Workplace Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 316 - Islam and Gender Credit(s): 3
- ARSC 390 - Honors Colloquium Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 242 - Woman As Image and Imagemaker Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 311 - Women, Society and the Arts Credit(s): 3
- COMM 204 - Gender and Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 440 - Topics in Interpersonal Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 442 - Topics in Organizational Communication Credit(s): 3-9
- CRJU 350 - Gender and Criminal Justice Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 417 - Sex Crimes and Punishments Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 318 - Studies in Film Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 338 - Studies in Victorian Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 352 - Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 353 - Twentieth Century British Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 380 - Women Writers Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 381 - Women in Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 382 - Studies in Multicultural Literature in English Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 480 - Literary Studies Seminar Credit(s): 3
- FASH 419 - Social Psychology of Fashion Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 401 - Foundations of Human Sexuality Credit(s): 3
- HIST 334 - Black Women’s History Since 1865 Credit(s): 3
- HIST 387 - The Queer Twentieth Century Credit(s): 3
- HIST 411 - Seminar in American History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 439 - Women and Revolution in Africa Credit(s): 3
- HIST 444 - Seminar: Women in the Islamic Middle East Credit(s): 3
- HIST 471 - Seminar in Medieval History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 475 - Seminar in Modern European History Credit(s): 3
- KAAP 484 - Women in Sports Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 319 - Topics: French Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 320 - Varying Authors and Genres Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 321 - Topics: Chinese Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 322 - Topics: Classical Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 325 - Topics: German Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 326 - Topics: Hispanic Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3-12
- LLCU 328 - Topics: Japanese Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3-6
- LLCU 329 - Topics: Italian Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 330 - Topics: World Literatures and Cultures Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 375 - Topics: Russian and Soviet Culture in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 383 - Chinese Culture in Translation Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 302 - Women in Music: An Alternate Survey Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 202 - Contemporary Moral Problems Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 327 - Race, Gender, Science Credit(s): 3
- POSC 401 - Topics in Law and Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 413 - Topics in American Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 436 - African Politics and Literature Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 333 - Psychology of Women Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 213 - Men and Women in American Society Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 407 - Sociology of Sex and Gender Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 415 - Race, Class, and Gender Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 418 - Race, Gender, and Poverty Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 205 - Women in the Arts and Humanities Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 206 - Women and Work Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 210 - Women and Religion Credit(s): 3
or - WOMS 212 - Gendered Topics in Parenthood Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 216 - Introduction to Feminist Theory Credit(s): 3
or - LING 222 - Language and Gender Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 240 - Women and Violence Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 250 - Topics in International Women’s Studies Credit(s): 3-6
- WOMS 260 - Women: Cultural Representations Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 290 - Women and Gender in International Films Credit(s): 1
- WOMS 291 - Women’s History Through Film Credit(s): 1
or - WOMS 298 - Research on Race, Ethnicity and Culture Credit(s): 1
or - HIST 300 - Women in American History Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 299 - Research on Women Credit(s): 1
- WOMS 301 - Gay and Lesbian Film Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 304 - Adolescent Girls in Multicultural Perspective Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 315 - Anthropology of Tourism and Travel Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 324 - Feminism and Sexualities Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 332 - Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 336 - Feminist Cultural Studies Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 363 - Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective Credit(s): 3
or - ECON 385 - Women and the Economy Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 366 - Independent Study Credit(s): 1-6
- WOMS 389 - Topics: Women and Health Issues Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 408 - Advocacy, Community, and Practice in Domestic Violence Services Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 420 - Women’s Studies Senior Thesis Credit(s): 3-6
- WOMS 466 - Independent Study Credit(s): 1-6
- WOMS 498 - Internship in Women’s Studies Credit(s): 3
Every senior Women and Gender Studies major must enroll in the three-credit capstone course, The Study of Women’s Studies (WOMS 410 ). This course is offered once a year in the spring semester. If a student plans to graduate in the winter, they should arrange to take the capstone course during the preceding spring semester. Electives:
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credit requirement for the degree. Credits to Total a Minimum of 124
Last Revised for 2021-2022 Academic Year
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