2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
EDUC 230 - Introduction to Special Education and Exceptional Children Credit(s): 3 INTRO TO SPEC ED & EXECP CHILD Component: Lecture The course will examine the legal, legislative, and historical foundations; multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches to special education as well as inclusive education (ages 3-5 and 5-21); similarities and differences between the Individualized Education Program and the Individualized Family Support Plan; the Multi-Tiered System of Support; and the unique needs of culturally diverse exceptional children and their families.
An early field placement will provide the opportunity to systematically observe a cross section of special education classes. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option ANTIREQ: Students who received credit in EDUC 231 are not eligible to take this course without permission. RESTRICTIONS:
- EDUC 230 has a required in-person early field experience that is open only to students in 1) Early Childhood Education (AA), or 2) Early Childhood Education (BS), or 3) Elementary Teacher Education programs (BSEd), or 4) Human Services - Early Childhood Development Concentration (BS).
- Early field experience required, students will need to complete all background clearances as required by Office of Clinical Studies.
Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring General Education Objectives: GE1A: Read Critically GE2A: Communicate Effectively in Writing