Feb 17, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ECON 443 - International Monetary Economics (3cr.)Credit(s): 3 INTERNTL MONETARY ECONOMICS Component: Lecture Applies macroeconomic theory in an international context. Uses historical cases to analyze policy making under fixed and flexible exchange rates. Develops alternative models of exchange rate dynamics. Discusses problems and proposed reforms of the international monetary system. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: One of ECON 251 , ECON 255 or ECON 300 or ECON 301 , and ECON 303 or ECON304. Course Typically Offered: Spring General Education Objectives: Read Critically Analyze Arguments and Information Engage in Constructive Ideation Communicate Effectively in Writing Communicate Orally Communicate Through Creative Expression Work Collaboratively Across a Variety of Cultures Work Individually Across a Variety of Cultures Critically Evaluate Ethical Implications Reason QuantitativelyReason Computationally Reason Scientifically