Feb 15, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Human Services - Family and Consumer Sciences Education with Apparel Studies Focus Concentration (BS)
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Major Requirements:
Some University requirements may be met by your major requirements. - Three-credit English course
- Three-credit Communication course
- One Creative Arts and Humanities course
- Three-credit Foreign Language course (CHIN, FREN, GREK, GRMN, HEBR, ITAL, JAPN, LATN, PORT, RUSS, or SPAN) if Creative Arts and Humanities requirement is fulfilled by English Literature course
- One History and Cultural Change course
- Seven credits of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology (at least one laboratory science)
- BISC 105 - Human Heredity and Development (3cr.)
- NTDT 200 - Nutrition Concepts (3cr.)
- SOCI 201 - Introduction to Sociology (3cr.)
- PSYC 100 - General Psychology (3cr.)
- EDUC 413 - Adolescent Development and Educational Psychology (4cr.)
- EDUC 414 - Teaching Exceptional Adolescents (3cr.)
- EDUC 420 - Reading in the Content Areas (1 to 3cr.)
- FASH 114 - Fashion, Style and Culture (3cr.)
- FASH 122 - Apparel Product Assembly (3cr.)
- FASH 213 - Twentieth Century Design: Ethnic Influence (3cr.)
- FASH 214 - Costume History Before 1600 (3cr.)
- FASH 224 - Clothing Design and Production: 1600 to the Edwardian Period (3cr.)
- ANTH 344 - Anthropology of Clothes (3cr.)
or - FASH 319 - Dress and Culture (3cr.)
- FASH 419 - Social Psychological Aspects of Clothing (3cr.)
or - FASH 426 - Historic Textiles & Clothing Collection Management (3cr.)
- HOSP 201 - Food Principles (3cr.)
- HOSP 211 - Food Principles Laboratory (1cr.)
- HDFS 201 - Life Span Development (3cr.)
- HDFS 202 - Diversity and Families (3cr.) (fulfills University multicultural requirement)
- HDFS 221 - Child Development II: 3 to 10 (3cr.)
- HDFS 230 - Families and Their Communities (3cr.)
- HDFS 235 - Survey in Child and Family Services (3cr.)
- HDFS 334 - Experiential Education (3cr.) (Fulfills University DLE Requirement)
(HDFS 334 requires a 50 hour field placement. Placements need approval of instructor before class begins. HDFS 334 must be taken concurrently with HDFS 490 .) - HDFS 401 - Foundations of Human Sexuality (3cr.)
- HDFS 402 - Child and Family Policy (3cr.)
- HDFS 422 - Capstone in Family Relationships (3cr.)
- HDFS 430 - Family Life Education (3cr.)
or - HDFS 427 - Parenting Through the Lifespan (3cr.)
- HDFS 439 - Instruction Methods in Family/Consum Sci (3cr.)
- HDFS 470 - Families and Children at Risk (3cr.)
- EDUC 400 - Student Teaching (3 to 12cr.)
Students must pass the Praxis 1 exam before student teaching. Students must take the Praxis II prior to graduation to be endorsed for certification. - HDFS 480 - Student Teaching Seminar (2cr.)
Praxis Test Requirements:
Students must complete the following Praxis test requirements: Praxis Core:
Passing the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests in reading, writing, and mathematics according to the State of Delaware guidelines is required prior to student teaching. Praxis II Test and Certification:
Students must pass the Praxis II test in Family and Consumer Sciences according to the State of Delaware guidelines in order to earn institutional recommendation for teacher certification. This institutional recommendation is noted on students’ transcripts and is needed to apply for teacher certification in Delaware and other states. Electives:
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credits required for the degree. Only four credits of Music ensemble and four credits of 100-200 level courses in Military Science/ Army ROTC may be counted toward the degree. Credits to Total a Minimum of 120
Last Revised 2015-2016 Academic Year
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