2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Material Culture Studies Program
Return to: College of Arts and Sciences
Telephone: (302) 831-1208
Faculty Listing: http://www.materialculture.udel.edu/index.php/people/faculty/
The Center for Material Culture Studies offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate minor that engages students in understanding the diversity of cultures through the things and places people create. Courses in the minor help students gain new perspective on objects and sites, from the intimate environments of the home to the historical development of regional landscapes. The minor draws on the University’s rich on-campus resources in material culture studies, including the University Museums, the African-American Art Collection, the Center for Historic Architecture and Design, the Museum Studies Program, and its long-standing affiliations with such outstanding cultural institutions in the region as the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library and the Hagley Museum and Library. Students in the minor are encouraged, but not required, to complete an internship that would enhance their exposure to behind-the-scenes work in cultural institutions such as museums, historical societies, and historic preservation agencies.
Return to: College of Arts and Sciences