2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Air Force ROTC
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Telephone: (302) 831-2863
Faculty Listing: http://www.udel.edu/afrotc/cadre/index.htm
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program trains qualified college students to earn commissions as second lieutenants in the United States Air Force while completing their university course requirements. Commissioning follows the award of a University bachelor degree and completion of Air Force ROTC requirements. Those who have a bachelor degree and are enrolled in graduate courses may also be eligible. Questions concerning applicant qualifications should be directed to the unit’s admission officer.
Programs Offered
The program is composed of a General Military Course (GMC) and a Professional Officer Course (POC). The first two years, the GMC, provide a general introduction to the Air Force and the various career fields. Students enrolled in the GMC who are not receiving an Air Force scholarship incur no obligation to the Air Force and may elect to discontinue the program at any time. The final two years, the POC, concentrate on developing leadership and management skills and on a study of American defense policy. Students must compete for entry into the POC. If accepted, they must attend field training at a designated Air Force base during the summer following their sophomore year of college. When they return to the university in the fall, they are placed under contract with the Air Force to complete the program and serve a minimum of four years on active duty. Pilot, Navigator, and Air Battle Manager candidates incur an additional obligation because of specialized training following commissioning.
Students in any major with equal to or less than four years, but more than three remaining until graduation may join the program. These students will enter the appropriate GMC class based in their projected graduation date.
The Curriculum
Academic Courses
Freshman year: The Foundations of the USAF I and II AFSC 110 (fall) and AFSC 111 (spring). Each of these one-credit courses consists of approximately one hour of academic class each week. In combination, these two courses survey the history and organization of the Air Force, its benefits and opportunities, and leadership skills.
Sophomore year: The Evolution of Aerospace Studies I and II - AFSC 210 (fall) and AFSC 211 (spring). Each of these one-credit courses consists of approximately one hour of academic class each week. These two GMC courses survey the history of air power from the 18th century to the present. GMC courses are open to all freshman and sophomore students.
Junior year: Leadership Studies I and II-AFSC 310 (fall) and AFSC 311 (spring). Each of these three-credit courses consists of three hours of academic classes each week. Here the student is introduced to leadership and management concepts. The courses are designed to provide a foundation for basic leadership and management skills, with emphasis on communications.
Senior year: National Security Studies and Preparation for Active Duty I and II-AFSC 410 (fall) and AFSC 411 (spring). Each of these three-credit courses consists of three hours of academic classes each week. These courses focus on our national security policy and its evolution, actors, processes, and current issues. Emphasis is also given to military professionalism, military justice, and communication skills. POC courses are open to all juniors and seniors.
Leadership Laboratory
Leadership laboratory is required for students who are members of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps and are eligible to pursue a commission as determined by the Professor of Aerospace Studies. Leadership laboratory is scheduled for two hours per week for GMC and for three hours per week for POC.
Physical Fitness
Members of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps are required to maintain certain physical fitness standards. Physical training activities are scheduled twice a week for one hour each. In order to participate, members must have a valid DoDMERB physical or sports physical. Forms to document the sports physical are available at the detachment and online.
Scholarships Available
Air Force ROTC scholarships are available to qualified students in all majors and are based on the whole-person concept. Scholarships are awarded in varying amounts and may be used towards tuition and some mandatory fees. All Air Force scholarships include a yearly book stipend and a tax-free monthly allowance. Students who accept these scholarships enter the AFROTC program as a contract cadet and incur a four-year active duty service commitment.
The University of Delaware also offers scholarships to students enrolled in the AFROTC program. These scholarships may be used towards tuition or room charges and are offered each semester to qualified students in all majors based on merit.
Contact the unit’s admission officer for current details.
Air Force ROTC Nursing Program
Air Force ROTC makes it possible for qualified nursing school students to enroll in its programs and, upon completion of all academic requirements, receive a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force in the nursing career field. Scholarships are available to qualified applicants.
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