2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
AFRA 210 - Ancient African Civilization: KMT Credit(s): 3 ANCIENT AFRICAN CIVILIZATION Component: Lecture
This course examines not only ancient history, literature and culture deemed as involving continental African, African diasporic peoples, thus construed as ancient African heritage but also aspects of antiquity and futurity and in particular notions about interpretations connecting African antiquity to African diasporic peoples and African contributions to world civilization. The course reviews ideas about African origins of civilization up to ancient Egypt’s decline at the time of Cleopatra and thus covers the Greco-Roman Egyptian period as well. The course surveys various perceptions and uses of ancient Egypt, i.e., understood as ancient Egyptian studies from an Africana Studies framework. The course also focuses on Black historiography observed as connecting the Black past to Black diasporic communities’ writ large. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option University Breadth: History and Cultural Change College of Arts and Sciences Breadth: GROUP B: A&S History & Cultural Change Requirement Designations: Multicultural Course Typically Offered: Fall, Winter and Spring General Education Objectives: GE1A: Read Critically GE1B: Analyze Arguments and Information GE1C: Engage in Constructive Ideation GE2A: Communicate Effectively in Writing GE2B: Communicate Orally GE2C: Communication Through Creative Expression GE3A: Work Collaboratively Across Cultures GE4: Critically Evaluate Ethical Implications