Sep 29, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Three Languages (BA) Four-Year Plan


First Year
CHIN 105 CHIN 106 
JAPN 105 JAPN 106
ENGL 110 - First-Year Writing  UB/AS Requirement
Math Requirement  UB/AS Requirement
LLCU 111 (Dept FYE) UB/AS Requirement
Credits: 17 Credits: 17
Second Year
CHIN 107 CHIN 200 or CHIN  201
JAPN 107 JAPN 200  
KORE 105 JAPN 201
UB/AS Requirement KORE 106
UB/AS Requirement UB/AS Requirement w/ lab
Credits: 18 Credits: 17
Third Year
CHIN 200 or CHIN  201 CHIN 350 or CHIN 355
JAPN 202 CHIN 455
UB/AS Requirement KORE 2XX
MC Requirement UB/AS Requirement
  UB/AS Requirement
Credits: 16 Credits: 18
Fourth Year
CHIN 350 or CHIN 355 CHIN 451 or CHIN 452
CHIN 451 or CHIN 452 CHIN 405
JAPN 4XX UB/AS Requirement
KORE 2XX Second Writing Requirement
LLCU 499 - (Capstone)  
Credits: 16 Credits: 15
Total Credits: 134

Four-year plan for 3 Asian Languages/Asian Studies double major
Asian Languages (L1=Chinese, 2= Japanese, L3=Korean)*
*Assumes student is a raw beginner in all three languages
Note: Many other language combinations are possible, this is just an example

This plan includes an Asian Studies double major, so for all University and College of Arts & Sciences Breadth requirement courses, students are
encouraged to use courses which both satisfy these requirements and are from the Asian Studies Approved Course list.

Disclaimer: Four-Year Plans are a Departmental suggestion of how a student could complete this degree in four years (eight semesters). Students may opt to take courses in the summer or winter sessions. These plans do not take into account additional requirements brought on by minors or other majors. A Four-Year Plan is subject to change from year-to-year given the resources and focuses of the Department.  It is the student’s responsibility to meet with his or her assigned advisor at least once a semester to monitor progress and ensure that he or she is on track to graduate on time. This document is intended as a supplemental advisement tool to be used in conjunction with in-person advisement and the UDSIS Degree Audit.  Students should direct any questions or concerns regarding degree progress to their advisor or Academic Assistant Dean.