Jan 26, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Construction Engineering and Management BCEM Four-Year Plan

First Year
EGGG 101 - Introduction to Engineering  (FYS) CIEG 191 - Introduction to Construction Engineering and Management  
CHEM 103 - General Chemistry ** and CHEM 133 - General Chemistry Laboratory   MATH 242 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus B **
CISC 106 - General Computer Science for Engineers   PHYS 207 - Fundamentals of Physics I ** and PHYS 227 - Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory I  
MATH 241 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus A ** ENGL 110 - First-Year Writing  
GEOL 105 - Geological Hazards and Their Human Impact   Breadth Requirement (1/6)*
Credits: 16 Credits: 17
Second Year
CIEG 211 - Statics   CIEG 212 - Solid Mechanics  
CIEG 292 - Environment, Health and Safety    CIEG 213 - Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory     
CIEG 291 - CAD and BIM in Construction   CIEG 214 - Construction Materials **
Breadth Requirement (2/6)* CIEG 390 - Engineering Survey and Geomatics    
Science/Math Elective* COMM 212 - Public Speaking & Professional Presentation  
  MATH 210 - Discrete Mathematics I  or MATH 349 - Elementary Linear Algebra  or MATH 351 - Engineering Mathematics I  
Credits: 16 Credits: 19
Third Year
CIEG 301 - Structural Analysis and Design   ACCT 200 - Survey of Accounting **
CIEG 305 - Fluid Mechanics  CIEG 315 - Probability and Statistics for Engineers 
CIEG 391 - Construction Estimating and Cost Control   CIEG 392 - Construction Planning and Scheduling  
CIEG 320 - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering   CIEG 394 - Construction Law and Regulations  
CIEG 323 - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Laboratory   Technical Elective (1/4)*
Breadth Requirement (3/6)*  
Credits: 17 Credits: 16
Fourth Year
CIEG 393 - Construction Means and Methods   CIEG 491 - Senior Design - Construction Engineering  (DLE and Capstone)
CIEG 481 - Co-op in Civil and Environmental Engineering  Breadth Requirement (5/6)*
Technical Elective (2/4)* Technical Elective (4/4)*
Technical Elective (3/4)*  
Breadth Requirement (4/6)*  
Credits: 15 Credits: 13
Total Credits: 126
*See program page for approved courses.
**The Department of CEE requires a minimum of C- in these courses.
Disclaimer: Four-Year Plans are a Departmental suggestion of how a student could complete this degree in four years (eight semesters). Students may opt to take courses in the summer or winter sessions. These plans do not take into account additional requirements brought on by minors or other majors. A Four-Year Plan is subject to change from year-to-year given the resources and focuses of the Department.  It is the student’s responsibility to meet with his or her assigned advisor at least once a semester to monitor progress and ensure that he or she is on track to graduate on time. This document is intended as a supplemental advisement tool to be used in conjunction with in-person advisement and the UDSIS Degree Audit.  Students should direct any questions or concerns regarding degree progress to their advisor or Academic Assistant Dean.