Feb 07, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences Education BA Four-Year Plan

First Year
BISC 207 - Introductory Biology I   BISC 208 - Introductory Biology II  
CHEM 103 /CHEM 133  or CHEM 107 - General Chemistry For Life Sciences I       CHEM 104 /CHEM 134  or CHEM 108 - General Chemistry for Life Sciences II  
MATH 221 - Calculus I  or MATH 241 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus A   ENGL 110 - Seminar in Composition  
Foreign Language Requirement Breadth Requirement (1/9)
First Year Seminar Breadth Requirement (2/9)
Credits: 16 Credits: 17
Second Year
BISC 302 - General Ecology     BISC 306 - General Physiology  
CHEM 321 - Organic Chemistry I  or CHEM 213 - Elementary Organic Chemistry      CHEM 214 - Elementary Biochemistry  
CHEM 325 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I  or CHEM 215 - Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory   CHEM 216 - Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory  
EDUC 414 - Teaching Exceptional Adolescents   EDUC 413 - Adolescent Development and Educational Psychology  
EDUC 419 - Diversity in Secondary Education  (Multicultural) Breadth Requirement (3/9)
GEOL 107 - Geology of Dynamic Earth   Breadth Requirement (4/9) 
Credits: 17 Credits: 16
Third Year
BISC 305 - Cell Biology  or BISC 401 - Molecular Biology of the Cell   Experimental Biology Laboratory Requirement (DLE) (1/2)**
PHYS 201 - Introductory Physics I   BISC 403 - Genetics  
GEOL Elective PHYS 202 - Introductory Physics II  
Breadth Requirement (5/9) Breadth Requirement (should also satisfy Second Writing Requirement) (7/9) 
Breadth Requirement (6/9)  Breadth Requirement (8/9) 
Credits: 16 Credits: 16
Fourth Year
EDUC 420 - Reading in the Content Areas  (one credit) EDUC 400 - Student Teaching  (nine credits) (Capstone)
SCEN 491 - Teaching Science in Secondary Schools    SCEN 492 - Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Science *
Literature-based Biology Requirement**  
Experimental Biology Laboratory Requirement (DLE) (2/2)**  
Breadth Requirement (9/9)   
Credits: 17 Credits: 12
Total Credits: 124
     *Not required, but many students elect to take the course to maintain fulltime status.
** See program plan for approved courses.
***Minimum grade C- required in all BISC courses for a total of at least 33 credits. Minimum 33 BISC credits; maximum 45. Minimum grade C- required in all EDUC and SCEN courses.

Disclaimer: Four-Year Plans are a Departmental suggestion of how a student could complete this degree in four years (eight semesters). Students may opt to take courses in the summer or winter sessions. These plans do not take into account additional requirements brought on by minors or other majors. A Four-Year Plan is subject to change from year-to-year given the resources and focuses of the Department.  It is the student’s responsibility to meet with his or her assigned advisor at least once a semester to monitor progress and ensure that he or she is on track to graduate on time. This document is intended as a supplemental advisement tool to be used in conjunction with in-person advisement and the UDSIS Degree Audit.  Students should direct any questions or concerns regarding degree progress to their advisor or Academic Assistant Dean.