Program Educational Goals
The Africana Gender Studies Concentration (BA) provides thorough understanding of gender as it relates to African descended people and inclusive of multiple intersectional ties.
Students who successfully complete the Africana Gender Studies Concentration (BA)
program will be able to:
1. Define and evaluate constructions of gender and race as intersectional.
2. Analyze the intersectionality of gender and interconnections that involve individuals as well as social institutions.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender, from an intersectional Africana gender lens that includes understanding of sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, and class.
4. Employ an Africana Studies approach/methodology that specifically addresses gender related issues and that is inclusive of African descended people.
5. Supply critiques that include specifically ideas about gender and heteronormativity and that include power, privileging, and patriarchal oppressive forces against African descended people and that accrue from gender identity formation.
6. Take an Africana gender studies approach to explain social and political interactions functioning systemically.
7. Conduct scholarly research on key gender issues and/or debates and that specifically regard Black communities both domestically and globally.