Requirements for the Degrees:
Individualized plans of study are created to serve the interests of both the student and sponsoring faculty member. Core courses for all areas of study include 2 semesters of BMSC 865 , a statistics course, an instrumentation course, a research methods design/analysis course, and BMSC 622 .
The master’s degree program requires 24 credit hours of standard grading coursework with a grade of “B” or better, plus 6 credit hours of thesis. The student is expected to submit a plan of study by the end of the first semester, created with their primary advisor. This program of study must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of the BIOMS Program.
The thesis committee must consist of at least three BIOMS faculty members, and at least one of the committee members must be from a different department than that of the advisor. Prior to conducting the thesis research, the student must successfully defend the thesis proposal before the BIOMS faculty. The final thesis defense must then be approved by the thesis committee.