Program Educational Goals
Goal 1: The successful student will be able to distinguish among the multiple forms of gender-based violence including sexual and intimate partner violence, child sexual abuse,teen dating violence, stalking, and cyber-abuse
Goal 2: The successful student will be able to recognize the racialized and gendered nature of violence, and how a wide range of political, social, economic, and physical factors impact and shape experiences of violence.
Goal 3: The successful student will be able to articulate the dynamics of power and control and how they combine, manifest, and escalate to create unique experiences of violence among a variety of populations.
Goal 4: The successful student will be able to apply intersectional analysis to explain the prevalence and risks for both perpetrating and being victimized by various forms of gender-based violence among distinct populations (e.g. race and ethnic groups, sexual and gender identities, religious practices, immigration statuses).
Goal 5: The successful student will be able to explain how the experience of trauma leads to specific behaviors and health outcomes for survivors, advocates, and institutions and can apply trauma informed principles to best support clients, co-workers, and systems.
Goal 6: The successful student will be able to demonstrate how gender norms function in the perpetuation and acceptance of violence and the role of confronting these norms as a technique in prevention.
Goal 7: The successful student will be able to identify the various systems that respond to gender-based violence and the pathways available to best support survivors and/or offenders and the institutions that surround them.