Doctoral Dissertation
After passing the qualifying exams, PhD students are registered for 9 credits of HIST 969. During this time they will write their dissertation which must make a significant contribution to historical knowledge, uphold professional standards of research and interpretation, and be presented in clear, well- organized English prose.
The dissertation is written under the guidance of a dissertation director and three other faculty members who together constitute the student’s dissertation committee. Composition of this committee must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee. It is expected that the director of the dissertation will be a faculty member in the history department, but a student can petition the Graduate Studies Committee for approval of an outside director. At least one faculty member on the dissertation committee must come from outside the department.
The doctoral student must defend the dissertation before their dissertation committee in a forum that is open to the university as a whole. This 90-120 minute oral defense, which is chaired by the dissertation director, is concerned with the content, methodology, and significance of the dissertation.