2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Human Relations Administration (BS)
Program Educational Goals:
As a result of the bachelor of science in human relations administration, students will be able to: - Demonstrate knowledge of key terms, theories and concepts used within the field of human resources and employee relations.
- Articulate the role of human resources in relation to organizational success/change and effective development of human capital.
- Problem-solve challenges faced in HR and business settings including ethical dilemmas, conflict, and employee/team performance concerns.
- Examine the needs/challenges of, appreciate the benefits of and advocate for a diverse workforce and workplace culture (with an emphasis on equity and inclusion).
- Demonstrate knowledge of practical application of training and employee development (and related assessment) across multiple mediums.
- Identify and employ best practices in HR related to strategy, policy, employee development.
- Display competent interpersonal, decisional and communication skills across diverse contexts and relationships
- Examine stages of human development, basic helping skills and the dynamics of workplace relationships to support employees and teams.
- Develop career-readiness skills (through experiential learning opportunities and coursework) such as leadership, professionalism, critical thinking and teamwork.
Major Requirements:
Some University requirements may be met by your major requirements. See your advisor for a planning guide. The HDFS 449 Internship course will require an overall grade point average of 2.5 and a major grade point average of 2.75. Students who cannot successfully complete the major core courses after a second attempt will not be permitted to remain in the major, as it is not likely they will succeed in the program. Students can appeal this requirement. HDFS 475 may be taken twice (once for Business Electives and once for Restricted Electives) if the topics vary. Additional Breadth Requirements:
One of the following:
- Additional Mathematics, Natural Science, & Technology elective (three credits).
- MATH 114 or higher.
Minimum grade of C-. Restricted Electives:
Complete at least 21 credits from the following list. Students cannot do both HDFS 449 and HDFS 364 without permission from the Undergraduate Coordinator. Required Additional Program of Study:
Students are required to complete one of the following programs, or alternative option with advisor approval: Electives:
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credit requirement for the degree. Credits to Total a Minimum of 120
Last Revised for 2022-2023 Academic Year