Jan 25, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social and Behavioral Sciences
- AFRA 205 - Contemporary African American Issues Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 223 - Sports, Media, and Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 225 - Black Male Experience Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 251 - Addressing Inequity (Social, Political, Economic, Educational) Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 350 - Race and Work in the United States Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 373 - Sociology of Gangster Rap Music and Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 381 - Understanding Black Men in the Streets and in Prison Credit(s): 3
- AGED 480 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture and Technology Education I Credit(s): 3
or - AGED 680 - Methods of Teaching Agricultural I
- AGED 481 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture and Technology Education II Credit(s): 3
or - AGED 681 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture Education II
- ANFS 100 - Animals and Human Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 103 - Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 218 - Solving Archaeological Mysteries Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 222 - Technology and Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 223 - Food, Gender and Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 229 - Indians of North America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 230 - Peoples of the World Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 232 - The Anthropology of Global Youth Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 234 - Environmental Anthropology: Plants, People and Pigs Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 235 - Anthropology of Food Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 236 - Anthropology of Sport Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 245 - Contemporary Native American Culture Issues Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 255 - Public Advocacy in Anthropology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 310 - Wives, Mistresses, and Matriarchs: Asian Women’s Lives Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 311 - Anthropology of Tourism and Travel Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 316 - Islam and Gender Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 318 - Tribal Lifeways Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 320 - Prehistory of North America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 321 - Prehistoric Human Ecology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 324 - Old World Archaeology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 329 - The Archaeology of Agriculture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 337 - South American Indians Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 341 - Issues, Methods Archaeological Rsrch Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 352 - Refugees and Forced Migration Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 356 - Anthropology of Childhood Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 370 - Culture of Food Production and Economic Development Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 379 - Historical Archaeology of the Eastern United States Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 382 - The Anthropology of Capitalism Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 401 - The Idea of Race Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 463 - Historical Archaeology and the Public Credit(s): 3
- APEC 100 - Sustainable Development Credit(s): 3
- APEC 150 - Economics of Agriculture and Natural Resources Credit(s): 3
- APEC 212 - Food Retailing and Consumer Behavior Credit(s): 3
- APEC 305 - Management and Leadership Development Credit(s): 3
- APEC 316 - Economics of Biotechnology and New Technologies Credit(s): 3
- APEC 343 - Environmental Economics Credit(s): 3
- APEC 406 - Agricultural and Natural Resource Policy Credit(s): 3
- APEC 409 - Surveys and Economic Experiments Credit(s): 3
- APEC 410 - International Agricultural Trade and Marketing Credit(s): 3
- APEC 450 - Topics in Environmental Law Credit(s): 3
- ARSC 299 - Passport to the Social Sciences Credit(s): 1-3
- ART 215 - Seeing and Being Credit(s): 3
- ART 324 - The Art of Social Change Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 155 - Personal Health Management: An Approach for a Lifetime Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 226 - Sport, Recreation and Leisure Abroad Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 236 - Health and Physical Activity Abroad Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 301 - The Art of Happiness Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 322 - International Community Health Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 335 - Health and Aging Credit(s): 3
- BUAD 301 - Introduction to Marketing Credit(s): 3
- BUAD 309 - Organizational Behavior Credit(s): 3
- CGSC 170 - Introduction to Cognitive Science Credit(s): 3
- CGSC 404 - Animal Minds Credit(s): 3
- CGSC 410 - Embodied Cognition Credit(s): 3
- CISC 356 - Intellectual Property in the Digital Age Credit(s): 3
- COMM 200 - Topics in Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 204 - Gender and Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 206 - Sex, Violence, and the Media Credit(s): 3
- COMM 227 - Family Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 245 - Media and Society Credit(s): 3
- COMM 256 - Principles of Communication Theory Credit(s): 3
- COMM 305 - Topics: Communication and Politics Credit(s): 3
- COMM 330 - Communication and Interpersonal Behavior Credit(s): 3
- COMM 341 - Theories of Interpersonal Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 370 - Theories of Media Communication Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 110 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 201 - Problems of Law Enforcement Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 202 - Problems of Criminal Judiciary Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 203 - Problems of Corrections Credit(s): 3
- ECON 100 - Economic Issues and Policies Credit(s): 3
- ECON 101 - Introduction to Microeconomics Credit(s): 3
- ECON 103 - Introduction to Macroeconomics Credit(s): 3
- ECON 251 - Managerial Economics Credit(s): 3
- ECON 300 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Credit(s): 3
- ECON 301 - Quantitative Microeconomic Theory Credit(s): 3
- ECON 303 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Credit(s): 3
- ECON 304 - Quantitative Macroeconomic Theory Credit(s): 3
- ECON 311 - Economics of Developing Countries Credit(s): 3
- ECON 332 - Economics of Government Spending and Taxation Credit(s): 3
- ECON 360 - Government Regulation of Business Credit(s): 3
- ECON 381 - Economics of Human Resources Credit(s): 3
- ECON 385 - Women and the Economy Credit(s): 3
- ECON 393 - Urban Economics Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 297 - Introduction to Psychology in Schools Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 459 - Urban Schools in Urban Landscapes Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 250 - Introduction to Energy and Environmental Policy Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 410 - Political Economy of the Environment Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 425 - Energy Policy and Administration Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 426 - Climate Change Policy Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 427 - Sustainable Energy: Economics and Policy Analysis Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 390 - English Linguistics Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 394 - English Language: Rhetorical and Cultural Contexts Credit(s): 3
- ENTR 350 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship Credit(s): 3
- ENTR 457 - Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs Credit(s): 3
- FASH 455 - Global Apparel and Textile Trade and Sourcing Credit(s): 3
- FREN 403 - Structure of French Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 102 - Human Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 120 - World Regional Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 229 - Climate Change and Food Security Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 230 - Human Impact on the Environment Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 235 - Conservation of Natural Resources Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 236 - Conservation: Global Issues Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 311 - Economic Geography & Uneven Development Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 315 - People, Politics and Place Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 320 - Water and Society Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 325 - Urban Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 430 - Food Geographies & Food Justice Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 201 - Life Span Development Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 202 - Diversity and Families Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 220 - Child Development I: Prenatal to Age 3 Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 221 - Child Development II: 3 to 10 Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 223 - Foundations of Child Development Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 230 - Families and Their Communities Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 270 - Families and Developmental Disabilities Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 271 - Alcohol Issues & College Students Credit(s): 1-3
- HDFS 318 - Introduction to Social Work Education and Services Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 329 - Adolescent Development Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 330 - Mentor & Helping Relationships Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 331 - Positive Youth Development Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 333 - Development of Human Relationships Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 339 - Adult Development and Aging Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 401 - Foundations of Human Sexuality Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 405 - Aging and the Family Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 409 - Domestic Violence Services Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 427 - Parenting Through the Lifespan Credit(s): 3
- HLPR 211 - Introduction to Public Health Credit(s): 3
- HLPR 233 - Introduction to Global Health Credit(s): 3
- HLTH 320 - Chronic Illness in America Credit(s): 3
- HONR 292 - Honors Colloquium: Social/Behavior Topics Credit(s): 3
- HONR 294 - Quantitative Colloquium, Social or Behavioral Sciences Topics Credit(s): 3
- HONR 331 - Honors Inter-college Seminar: S&BS Credit(s): 3
- KAAP 484 - Women in Sports Credit(s): 3
- LEAD 100 - Leadership, Integrity and Change Credit(s): 3
- LEAD 200 - The Leadership Challenge Credit(s): 3
- LEAD 300 - Leadership, Creativity, and Innovation Credit(s): 3
- LING 101 - Introduction to Linguistics I Credit(s): 3
- LING 102 - Language, Mind and Society Credit(s): 3
- LING 203 - Languages of the World Credit(s): 3
- LING 222 - Language and Gender Credit(s): 3
- LING 265 - Studies in Language Credit(s): 3-9
- LING 404 - Structure of Language Credit(s): 3
- LING 471 - Discovering Human Language Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 326 - Citizen Artistry: Engaging Communities, Classrooms, and Concert Halls Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 487 - Patterns of Patronage Credit(s): 3
- NTDT 301 - Cultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition Credit(s): 3
- NTDT 455 - Issues in International Nutrition Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 330 - Philosophy of Mind Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 410 - Religion and Psychology Credit(s): 3
- POSC 150 - Introduction to American Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 220 - Introduction to Public Policy Credit(s): 3
- POSC 230 - Introduction to Politics and Social Justice Credit(s): 3
- POSC 240 - Introduction to Global Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 270 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 312 - Politics of East Asian Development Credit(s): 3
- POSC 317 - Gender and Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 329 - International Migration Credit(s): 3
- POSC 380 - Introduction to Law Credit(s): 3
- POSC 441 - Contemporary Politics by Country Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 100 - General Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 105 - Positive Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 303 - Introduction to Social Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 325 - Child Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 333 - Psychology of Women Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 334 - Abnormal Psychology Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 201 - Introduction to Sociology Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 204 - Urban Communities Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 209 - Social Problems Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 213 - Men and Women in American Society Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 215 - Race in Society Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 302 - Social Deviance Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 303 - Juvenile Delinquency Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 304 - Criminology Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 305 - Social Class and Inequality Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 308 - The Family Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 311 - Sociology of Health & Illness Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 325 - Disasters and Society Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 335 - Environment and Health Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 343 - Society, Politics and Healthcare Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 345 - Sociology of Law Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 360 - Sociology of Religion Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 361 - Racial Inequality Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 375 - Sociology of Diagnosis Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 471 - Disasters, Vulnerability & Development Credit(s): 3
- UAPP 110 - Changing the World and Public Policy Credit(s): 3
- UAPP 225 - Crafting Public Policy Credit(s): 3
- UAPP 403 - Disasters in Film Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 201 - Introduction to Women’s Studies Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 206 - Women and Work Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 212 - Motherhood in Culture and Politics Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 240 - Women and Violence Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 304 - Adolescent Girls in Multicultural Perspective Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 306 - Sex, Money, and Power Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 355 - Preventing Gender-Based Violence: Programs and Policies Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 363 - Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 389 - Topics: Women and Health Issues Credit(s): 3