Feb 05, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Multicultural Requirement
Approved Multicultural Courses:
- AFRA 110 - Introduction to African American Studies Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 205 - Contemporary African American Issues Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 206 - Survey of African American Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 220 - The Civil Rights Movement Credit(s): 3-4
- AFRA 221 - Race and Sports in American Society Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 222 - Racial Politics in Today’s Sports Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 225 - Black Male Experience Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 250 - Afro Future Females Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 251 - Addressing Inequity (Social, Political, Economic, Educational) Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 295 - Black Women and Christianity Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 304 - African American History to the Civil War Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 305 - Race, Image, in Media/Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 306 - African America History Since the Civil War Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 315 - Issues in Black Photography Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 318 - Feminism(s) and Fashion in the African Diaspora Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 320 - History and Significance of Race in America Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 321 - Black Women and Popular Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 325 - Contemporary Black Art Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 370 - Black Art and Activism in the Digital Age Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 372 - Philosophy of Hip Hop Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 373 - Sociology of Gangster Rap Music and Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 381 - Understanding Black Men in the Streets and in Prison Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 398 - African American Religious History Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 440 - Themes in African American Studies Credit(s): 3-9
- AFRA 445 - Black Bodies on Display: Race in Museums Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 447 - Curating Hidden Collections & the Black Archive Credit(s): 3
- ANFS 100 - Animals and Human Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANFS 102 - Food for Thought Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 101 - Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 103 - Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 201 - Visualizing Humanity: Ethnographic Film Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 209 - Contemporary South Asia: An Anthropological Introduction through Everyday Struggles Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 210 - Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 211 - Peoples and Cultures of East Asia Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 212 - The Anthropology of Islam Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 223 - Food, Gender and Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 228 - Peoples and Cultures of the Southwest Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 229 - Indians of North America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 230 - Peoples of the World Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 232 - The Anthropology of Global Youth Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 234 - Environmental Anthropology: Plants, People and Pigs Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 235 - Anthropology of Food Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 236 - Anthropology of Sport Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 239 - Arts and Crafts of Native North America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 245 - Contemporary Native American Culture Issues Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 265 - High Civilizations of the Americas Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 269 - Early Civilizations of the Old World Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 310 - Wives, Mistresses, and Matriarchs: Asian Women’s Lives Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 312 - Asian Women in the Globalized Workplace Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 318 - Tribal Lifeways Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 320 - Prehistory of North America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 321 - Prehistoric Human Ecology Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 326 - The African Diaspora and the World Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 330 - Development and Underdevelopment Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 333 - Peoples of Africa Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 344 - Anthropology of Clothes Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 351 - Race and Ethnicity in Latin America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 352 - Refugees and Forced Migration Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 356 - Anthropology of Childhood Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 360 - American Anabaptists: Amish, Mennonite and Brethren Cultures Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 372 - Culture and Colonialism Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 375 - Peoples and Cultures of Modern Latin America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 381 - Visions of Native Americans Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 383 - Globalization in Everyday Life Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 401 - The Idea of Race Credit(s): 3
- APEC 100 - Sustainable Development Credit(s): 3
- ARAB 208 - Contemporary North Africa Credit(s): 3
- ART 204 - Media/Design/Culture Credit(s): 3
- ART 324 - The Art of Social Change Credit(s): 3
- ART 407 - Topics in Art, Design & Technology Credit(s): 3
- ARTC 110 - Digital Heritage Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 101 - Visual Culture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 151 - Myth, Religion and Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 153 - Introduction to Art History: Pyramids to Cathedrals Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 163 - Architecture in Global Contexts Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 164 - World Architecture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 175 - Hipsters in Headdresses: Native American Art in Popular Culture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 204 - Architecture and Power in Africa Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 228 - Modern Art Since 1900 Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 229 - Contemporary Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 232 - Art of Latin America Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 237 - Art of Tibet Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 246 - No Reservations: Native North American Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 248 - African American Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 303 - Art of the Iberian World, 1400-1800 Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 311 - Women, Society and the Arts Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 380 - Art and Environmental Justice Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 419 - Seminar in Art of the Iberian World, 1400-1800 Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 440 - Seminar in Latin American Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 445 - Seminar in East Asian Art and Architecture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 456 - Seminar in Contemporary Architecture Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 236 - Health and Physical Activity Abroad Credit(s): 3
- BHAN 322 - International Community Health Credit(s): 3
- BISC 127 - Environments and Cultures in Conflict Credit(s): 4
- CHIN 204 - The Art of Chinese Calligraphy Credit(s): 3
- CHIN 451 - Advanced Readings in Chinese Literature Credit(s): 3
- CHIN 452 - Advanced Readings in Chinese Culture Credit(s): 3
- CIEG 492 - International Construction Credit(s): 3
- COMM 204 - Gender and Communication Credit(s): 3
- COMM 263 - Communicative Behavior and Culture Credit(s): 3
- COMM 421 - Intercultural Communication Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 350 - Gender and Criminal Justice Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 355 - Inequality, Crime and Justice Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 452 - Drugs and the Criminal Justice System Credit(s): 3
- ECON 311 - Economics of Developing Countries Credit(s): 3
- ECON 418 - Economic History of American Labor Markets Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 247 - The History of Education in America Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 258 - Cultural Diversity, Schooling and the Teacher Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 419 - Diversity in Secondary Education Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 459 - Urban Schools in Urban Landscapes Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 215 - Introduction to Ethnic and Cultural Studies Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 216 - African American Literature Survey Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 278 - Studies in Diversity Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 345 - African American Literature II Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 350 - Studies in Jewish Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 376 - World Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 380 - Women Writers Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 381 - Women in Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 382 - Studies in Multicultural Literature in English Credit(s): 3
- FASH 213 - Development of Contemporary Fashion: Cultural Expressions Credit(s): 3
- FASH 319 - Dress and Textiles in World Cultures Credit(s): 3
- FREN 207 - French Caribbean past and present Credit(s): 3
- FREN 457 - The Francophone World Credit(s): 3
- FREN 458 - Francophone African Cinema Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 102 - Human Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 120 - World Regional Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 203 - Introduction to Cultural Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 226 - Geography of Latin America Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 310 - Social Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 430 - Food Geographies & Food Justice Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 450 - Global at Home Credit(s): 3
- HDFS 202 - Diversity and Families Credit(s): 3
- HIST 103 - World History I Credit(s): 3
- HIST 104 - World History II Credit(s): 3
- HIST 130 - Islamic Near East: 600-1500 Credit(s): 3
- HIST 131 - Islamic Near East: 1500-Present Credit(s): 3
- HIST 134 - History of Africa Credit(s): 3
- HIST 135 - Introduction to Latin American History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 137 - East Asian Civilization: China Credit(s): 3
- HIST 138 - East Asian Civilization: Japan Credit(s): 3
- HIST 139 - Introduction to Indian Civilization Credit(s): 3
- HIST 145 - Gandhi’s India Credit(s): 3
- HIST 146 - Introduction to Jewish Culture and History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 270 - History of Modern Asia Credit(s): 3
- HIST 300 - Women in American History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 327 - Topics in Jewish History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 334 - African American Women’s History Credit(s): 3
- HIST 335 - American Slavery Credit(s): 3
- HIST 364 - Eurasian China and the World, 1300-Present Credit(s): 3
- HIST 368 - Modern China: 1600s to Present Credit(s): 3
- HIST 369 - China Since 1949 Credit(s): 3
- HIST 370 - History of Modern Japan Credit(s): 3
- HIST 371 - Postwar Japan Credit(s): 3
- HIST 377 - Radicalism and Revolution: Islamic Movement/Modern Middle East Credit(s): 3
- HIST 378 - Family, Tribe and Nation: Identity in the Modern Middle East Credit(s): 3
- HIST 380 - History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Credit(s): 3
- HIST 381 - Islam and the West: The History of Mutual Perceptions Credit(s): 3
- HIST 390 - American Indians: The Southwest Credit(s): 3
- HIST 392 - Brazil in the Modern World Credit(s): 3
- HIST 393 - History of Modern Vietnam Credit(s): 3
- HIST 395 - Pan Africanism Credit(s): 3
- HIST 397 - History of South Africa Credit(s): 3
- HIST 439 - Women and Revolution in Africa Credit(s): 3
- HIST 440 - Seminar in Africa Under Colonial Rule Credit(s): 3
- HIST 444 - Seminar: Women in the Islamic Middle East Credit(s): 3
- HIST 477 - Seminar in Latin American History Credit(s): 3
- HLPR 233 - Introduction to Global Health Credit(s): 3
- HLTH 245 - Cultural Awareness for Health and Healthcare Credit(s): 3
- HOSP 214 - Issues in Tourism Management Credit(s): 3
- HOSP 316 - Cross Cultural Etiquette and Protocol Credit(s): 3
- HOSP 317 - Spa/Wellness Management&Entrepreneurship Credit(s): 3
- HOSP 328 - International Cuisine and Culture Credit(s): 1-3
- HOSP 330 - International Hospitality Operations Credit(s): 3-5
- HOSP 355 - Ecotourism Entrepreneurship Credit(s): 3
- JAPN 208 - Contemporary Japan I Credit(s): 3
- LARC 202 - History of Landscape Architecture Credit(s): 3
- LING 101 - Introduction to Linguistics I Credit(s): 3
- LING 102 - Language, Mind and Society Credit(s): 3
- LING 203 - Languages of the World Credit(s): 3
- LING 222 - Language and Gender Credit(s): 3
- LING 480 - Sociolinguistics Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 332 - Topics: Arabic Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 333 - Israeli Film: Reflecting Dramatic Change Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 335 - A Land of Many Faces - Israel through Time Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 345 - Modern Israel: History and Culture Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 205 - Music of the World Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 227 - Popular Music of the Global South Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 302 - Women in Music: An Alternate Survey Credit(s): 3
- NTDT 301 - Cultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition Credit(s): 3
- NTDT 475 - Transcultural Foods and Cuisine Credit(s): 3-5
- NURS 235 - Health ,Vulnerability, & Diversity Credit(s): 3
- NURS 412 - Multicultural Topics in Healthcare Delivery Credit(s): 3
- NURS 414 - Women and Gender in Healthcare Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 204 - World Religions Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 208 - Introduction to Jewish Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 307 - Black Thought and Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 309 - Indian Religion and Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 310 - Chinese Religion and Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 327 - Race, Gender, Science Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 335 - Buddhist Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 337 - Daoist Thought Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 338 - Religion at the Crossroads of Culture Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 410 - Religion and Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 100 - Plants and Human Culture Credit(s): 3
- POSC 322 - Politics and the African-American Experience Credit(s): 3
- POSC 406 - LGBT* Politics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 433 - African Politics Credit(s): 3
- RUSS 325 - Russian Civilization and Culture Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 213 - Men and Women in American Society Credit(s): 3
- SOCI 471 - Disasters, Vulnerability & Development Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 207 - Contemporary Latin America I Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 208 - Spain: Past and Present Credit(s): 3
- SPTM 318 - International Sport and Tourism Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 326 - Latin American Civilization and Culture Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 447 - Contemporary Hispanic Fiction by Women Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 471 - Latin American Film Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 472 - Sugar, Salsa & Santeria: Hispanic Caribbean Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 473 - From Amazons to Zombies Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 474 - Hispanic Cities Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 479 - Resurrecting Mexico’s Dead Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 491 - Spanish Studies Capstone Credit(s): 3
- SPTM 416 - International Sport Management Credit(s): 3
- THEA 240 - Create Performances about Black American History using all Art Forms Credit(s): 3
- THEA 241 - Western Theatre: Live on Stage Credit(s): 3
- THEA 340 - African American Theatre Credit(s): 3
- UAPP 449 - Civil Rights Law and Policy Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 201 - Introduction to Women’s Studies Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 202 - Women’s Studies in Global Context Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 209 - Mindfulness and Self Care for Trauma Work: Gendered Perspectives Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 210 - Women and Religion Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 212 - Motherhood in Culture and Politics Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 216 - Introduction to Feminist Theory Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 240 - Women and Violence Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 284 - Gender, Culture and Digital Media Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 304 - Adolescent Girls in Multicultural Perspective Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 314 - Social Media: Feminist Activism Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 332 - Women, Race, and Ethnicity Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 336 - Feminist Cultural Studies Credit(s): 3