Mar 31, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Creative Arts and Humanities
Creative Arts and Humanities
- AFRA 206 - Survey of African American Culture Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 250 - Afro Future Females Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 315 - Issues in Black Photography Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 325 - Contemporary Black Art Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 370 - Black Art and Activism in the Digital Age Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 372 - Philosophy of Hip Hop Credit(s): 3
- AFRA 447 - Curating Hidden Collections & the Black Archive Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 201 - Visualizing Humanity: Ethnographic Film Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 205 - Anthropology and Human Nature Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 216 - Introduction to Material Culture Studies Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 227 - American Culture Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 239 - Arts and Crafts of Native North America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 251 - Introduction to Ethnic Arts Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 338 - Arts and Crafts of Native South America Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 344 - Anthropology of Clothes Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 381 - Visions of Native Americans Credit(s): 3
- ANTH 457 - Survey of African Art Credit(s): 3
- ARSC 297 - Passport to the Arts Credit(s): 1-3
- ARSC 298 - Passport to the Humanities Credit(s): 1-3
- ARSC 301 - Aesthetics and Education Credit(s): 3
- ART 129 - Design for Non-Majors Credit(s): 3
- ART 133 - Drawing for Non-Majors Credit(s): 3
- ART 180 - Digital Photography for Non-Majors Credit(s): 3
- ART 200 - Introduction to Video Game Design Credit(s): 3
- ART 204 - Media/Design/Culture Credit(s): 3
- ART 230 - Figure Drawing Credit(s): 3
- ART 231 - Introduction to Painting Credit(s): 3
- ART 233 - Drawing as Study Credit(s): 3
- ART 243 - Introduction to Printmaking Credit(s): 3
- ART 246 - Screenprinting Credit(s): 3
- ART 250 - Introduction to Sculpture Credit(s): 3
- ART 280 - Introduction to Photo and Video Credit(s): 3
- ART 281 - Darkroom Photography Credit(s): 3
- ART 290 - Introduction to Ceramics Credit(s): 3
- ARTC 110 - Digital Heritage Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 101 - Visual Culture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 150 - Monuments and Methods in the History of Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 151 - Myth, Religion and Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 153 - Introduction to Art History: Pyramids to Cathedrals Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 154 - Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to Modern Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 162 - History of Architecture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 164 - World Architecture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 198 - Studies in World Art and Architecture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 199 - Topics in Art History Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 203 - Art of the Black and African Diaspora Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 213 - Art of the Northern Renaissance Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 219 - Art of the Italian Renaissance Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 229 - Contemporary Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 237 - Art of Tibet Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 243 - Design and the Decorative Arts Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 248 - African American Art Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 249 - Art and Architecture in Context Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 302 - Prints and Society Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 307 - Monet to Picasso: Art in France 1860-1910 Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 319 - Photography in the United States Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 321 - Great Cities of the World Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 325 - Sculpture in the United States Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 445 - Seminar in East Asian Art and Architecture Credit(s): 3
- ARTH 456 - Seminar in Contemporary Architecture Credit(s): 3
- CGSC 421 - Philosophy, Biology, Society Credit(s): 3
- CHIN 204 - The Art of Chinese Calligraphy Credit(s): 3
- CISC 355 - Computers, Ethics and Society Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 335 - Crime and Justice in Film and Literature Credit(s): 3
- CRJU 336 - The Detective in Film and Fiction Credit(s): 3
- DANC 101 - Introduction to the Art of Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 202 - Beginning Ballet Credit(s): 3
- DANC 203 - Beginning Modern Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 204 - Beginning Jazz Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 206 - Dance in Culture and Society Credit(s): 3
- DANC 207 - Dance Improvisation Credit(s): 3
- DANC 208 - Dance Composition I Credit(s): 3
- DANC 210 - Performance Practicum in Dance Credit(s): 1
- DANC 302 - Intermediate Ballet Credit(s): 3
- DANC 303 - Intermediate Modern Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 304 - Intermediate Jazz Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 305 - Hip Hop Credit(s): 3
- DANC 306 - Musical Theatre Styles Credit(s): 3
- DANC 307 - Ethnic Dance Styles Credit(s): 3
- DANC 309 - Repertory Credit(s): 3
- DANC 310 - Methods of Teaching Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 312 - The Body and Motion in Dance Credit(s): 3
- DANC 313 - Tap Dance Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 240 - Legal and Ethical Issues in American Education Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 470 - Topics in Education Credit(s): 3
- EDUC 485 - Multimedia Literacy Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 101 - Tools of Textual Analysis Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 150 - Science Fiction and Fantasy Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 151 - Studies in Popular Fiction Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 201 - Rewriting Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 202 - Biblical and Classical Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 207 - Introduction to Poetry Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 208 - Introduction to Drama Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 209 - Introduction to the Novel Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 210 - Introduction to Short Story Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 217 - Introduction to Film Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 230 - Introduction to Environmental Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 280 - Approaches to Literature for Non-Majors Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 284 - Shakespeare for Non-majors Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 290 - Studies in Literature for Non-majors Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 324 - Shakespeare Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 348 - Contemporary Jewish-American Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 350 - Studies in Jewish Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 365 - Studies in Literary Genres, Types and Movements Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 376 - World Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENGL 380 - Women Writers Credit(s): 3
- FREN 211 - French Reading and Composition Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 203 - Introduction to Cultural Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 345 - Cultural Geography Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 346 - Urban Cultural Geography Credit(s): 3
- GREK 301 - Ancient Prose: Advanced Intermediate Greek Credit(s): 3
- GREK 302 - Ancient Poetry: Advanced Intermediate Greek Credit(s): 3
- GRMN 211 - German Reading and Writing Credit(s): 3
- HLTH 241 - Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Credit(s): 3
- HONR 290 - Honors Colloquium: Arts and Humanities Topics Credit(s): 3
- HONR 295 - Quantitative Colloquium, Creative Arts and Humanities Topics Credit(s): 3
- ITAL 211 - Italian Reading and Composition: Short Fiction Credit(s): 3
- ITAL 212 - Italian Reading and Composition: Drama and Prose Credit(s): 3
- JAPN 204 - The Art of Japanese Calligraphy Credit(s): 3
- LARC 103 - Landscape and Field Sketching Credit(s): 3
- LARC 232 - Foundations of Landscape Architecture Credit(s): 3
- LATN 301 - Advanced Intermediate Latin Prose Credit(s): 3
- LATN 302 - Advanced Intermediate Latin Poetry Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 316 - Classical Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Monsters Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 319 - Topics: French Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 320 - Varying Authors and Genres Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 321 - Topics: Chinese Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 322 - Topics: Classical Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 323 - Greek Tragedy Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 326 - Topics: Hispanic Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3-12
- LLCU 327 - Topics: Russian Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 328 - Topics: Japanese Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3-6
- LLCU 329 - Topics: Italian Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 331 - Introduction to Chinese Films Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 332 - Topics: Arabic Literature in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 337 - Brazil Through Film Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 338 - Light and Shadow–Japanese Films Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 350 - Introduction to Game Studies Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 351 - Videogames and Japanese Culture Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 352 - Videogames and Latin American Culture Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 380 - Topics: Japanese Culture in Translation Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 416 - Dante: The Divine Comedy and the Medieval World Credit(s): 3
- LLCU 420 - Topics in Italian Literature Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 101 - Appreciation of Music Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 102 - Appreciation of Music II Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 105 - Fundamentals of Music I Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 108 - University Singers Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 109 - Schola Cantorum Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 110 - Chorale Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 111 - Concert Choir Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 112 - University Strings Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 113 - Marching Band Credit(s): 1
- MUSC 114 - Symphonic Band Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 115 - Wind Ensemble Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 116 - Jazz Ensemble Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 117 - Symphony Orchestra Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 118 - Percussion Ensemble Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 119 - Collegiate Band Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 120 - Pep Band Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 123 - Steel Band Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 124 - Steel Band: Advanced Ensemble Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 125 - Collegium Musicum Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 126 - Chamber Orchestra Credit(s): 0-1
- MUSC 150 - Freshman Honors Private Study Credit(s): 1
- MUSC 177 - Class Guitar I Credit(s): 1
- MUSC 181 - Private Study for Applied Jazz Styles and Techniques Credit(s): 2
- MUSC 182 - Private Study for Applied Jazz Styles and Techniques Credit(s): 2
- MUSC 197 - Jazz Harmony Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 224 - London and the Movie Soundtrack Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 227 - Popular Music of the Global South Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 228 - From Soul to Hip Hop Credit(s): 3
- MUSC 281 - Private Study for Applied Jazz Styles and Techniques I Credit(s): 2
- MUSC 334 - Introduction to Creative Sound Design Credit(s): 3
- NURS 214 - Healthcare Communication:UDSP Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 100 - Philosophies of Life Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 102 - Introduction to Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 105 - Critical Thinking Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 125 - Topics: Philosophy in Popular Culture Credit(s): 1-4
- PHIL 200 - Business Ethics Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 201 - Social and Political Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 202 - Contemporary Moral Problems Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 203 - Ethics Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 204 - World Religions Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 208 - Introduction to Jewish Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 209 - Philosophy of Religion Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 212 - Markets, Ethics, and Law Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 241 - Ethical Issues in Healthcare Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 244 - Philosophy of Art Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 302 - Introduction to Jewish Mysticism Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 306 - Philosophy of Science Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 307 - Black Thought and Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 308 - Topics in Jewish Theology Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 309 - Indian Religion and Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 310 - Chinese Religion and Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 313 - Killing and Letting Die Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 315 - Metaphysics Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 316 - Time Travel Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 320 - Theory of Knowledge Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 322 - Existentialism Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 327 - Race, Gender, Science Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 335 - Buddhist Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 337 - Daoist Thought Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 338 - Religion at the Crossroads of Culture Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 344 - Science and Religion Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 446 - Philosophy of Law Credit(s): 3
- PHIL 448 - Environmental Ethics Credit(s): 3
- POSC 285 - Introduction to Political Theory Credit(s): 3
- POSC 333 - Contemporary Political Ideologies Credit(s): 3
- POSC 434 - Political Thought I Credit(s): 3
- POSC 435 - Political Thought II Credit(s): 3
- POSC 436 - African Politics and Literature Credit(s): 3
- PSYC 447 - Psychology of the Arts Credit(s): 3
- RUSS 211 - Russian Reading and Composition: Short Fiction Credit(s): 3
- SPAN 201 - Spanish Reading and Composition Credit(s): 3
- THEA 102 - Introduction to Performance Credit(s): 3
- THEA 104 - Introduction to Theatre and Drama Credit(s): 3
- THEA 106 - The Theatrical Experience Abroad Credit(s): 3
- THEA 200 - Introduction to Theatre Production Credit(s): 3
- THEA 202 - Introduction to Theatre Design Credit(s): 3
- THEA 203 - Introduction to Costuming Credit(s): 3
- THEA 204 - Introduction to Voice and Speech Credit(s): 3
- THEA 205 - Introduction to Stage Movement Credit(s): 3
- THEA 212 - Jews and American Pop Culture Credit(s): 3
- THEA 226 - Fundamentals of Acting I Credit(s): 3
- THEA 227 - Fundamentals of Acting II Credit(s): 3
- THEA 240 - Create Performances about Black American History using all Art Forms Credit(s): 3
- THEA 242 - Page to Stage: Making Theatre Credit(s): 3
- THEA 301 - Fundamentals of Properties Construction Credit(s): 3
- THEA 302 - Fundamentals of Stage Lighting Credit(s): 3
- THEA 304 - Fundamentals of Audio for the Theatre Credit(s): 3
- THEA 305 - Fundamentals of Costume Construction for the Stage Credit(s): 3
- THEA 308 - Fundamentals of Costume Crafts Credit(s): 3
- THEA 309 - Fundamentals of Stage Management Credit(s): 3
- THEA 311 - Fundamentals of Scene Design Credit(s): 3
- THEA 340 - African American Theatre Credit(s): 3
- THEA 360 - Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation Credit(s): 3
- THEA 361 - Acting Tech for Business Professionals Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 205 - Women in the Arts and Humanities Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 216 - Introduction to Feminist Theory Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 332 - Women, Race, and Ethnicity Credit(s): 3
- WOMS 336 - Feminist Cultural Studies Credit(s): 3