Feb 17, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Food Sciences (MS)

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The MS degree program in Animal Science and the MS degree program in Food Science require a minimum of 30 graduate credit hours of which six credits must be ANFS 869 - Master’s Thesis. The programs are expected to be completed in 2-2.5 years of full-time study. All students pursuing the MS degree will complete the following core courses; ANFS 865 - Seminar and CHEM 527 - Introductory Biochemistry or CHEM 641 - Biochemistry, and a statistics course [STAT 608 - Statistical Research Methods, or equivalent]. Attendance in ANFS 865 - Seminar is required each semester for all graduate students. A maximum of three credits of ANFS 668 - Research/ANFS 868 - Research or ANFS 666 - SPECIAL PROBLEM/ANFS 866 - SPECIAL PROBLEM may be applied towards the MS degree. Course selections are made with the approval of the student’s graduate committee. A research proposal and thesis are required for the MS degree. Students, with the assistance of their advisor, will prepare and present a research proposal to their graduate committee for review and approval of the proposed research project. Following completion of the research outlined in the proposal, the MS degree candidate will prepare a written thesis according to the guidelines set forth by the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. A thesis defense, preceded by a seminar, will be held. The student’s advisor and graduate committee will administer and evaluate the thesis defense.