Mar 14, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Integrated Design Minor
The minor requires eighteen credit hours. The three-credit course, ART 215 , Seeing and Being, is required. Students then choose three credits from each of three core categories, Design Thinking, Design Making, and Design Impact. The remaining six credits may be from any category the student chooses. Courses must be selected from at least three different departments and only nine credits may be counted toward both a student’s major requirements, other minor, and the Integrated Design minor (i.e. “double-dip”). An advisor for this minor will be assigned to each student.
Minimum grade of C- required.
Core Design Project:
All students complete a team project that demonstrates the three core design concepts: Thinking, Making, and, Impact. Design Thinking:
Core comprises of courses emphasizing ways of seeing, habits of mind, and processes of design and innovative problem solving. These courses provide a foundation in understanding design frameworks within related fields, and in developing approaches to knowledge building that link problem solving, user needs, and innovation. Design Making:
Core comprises courses that engage students in the hands-on facets of design. Studio and lab work, prototype building, and other experiential practices focused on “building to think” are the hallmark of these courses. Some of these courses would be specific to certain majors. Design Impact:
Core comprises courses examining, and perhaps acting upon, the relationship between design activities and the many very difficult, real-world problems that challenge individuals, communities, and the world. These courses seek to raise awareness and develop the tools of social innovation - utilizing design to make a positive difference. Some of these courses would be specific to certain majors. Note:
Substitutions for the above courses may be made with permission of the program director. Independent studies and special problems courses may also count toward the minor with the director’s approval. Credits to Total a Minimum of 18
Last Revised 2014-2015 Academic Year