2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biden School of Public Policy and Administration
Telephone: (302)831-1687
Faculty Listing
Public Policy and Administration (Ph.D.)
The Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration is an interdisciplinary, research oriented degree that focuses on analysis of the critical policy challenges of our times. Our program prepares scholars to create useable knowledge to inform decision making, and to positively impact the quality of life in communities at all scales, from cities to nations. Our doctoral students work alongside our faculty to create new knowledge that expands the possibilities for community enhancement and policy improvement across our nation and our world.
The challenges of our times are not neatly bundled in disciplinary packages as political, economic, or sociological problems. Our doctoral program prepares scholars to approach these multifaceted challenges from creative vantage points, reflecting diverse perspectives that transcend disciplinary views and reflect the highest standards of research and a truly global outlook.
Disaster Science and Management (Ph.D.)
The Ph.D. in Disaster Science & Management program approaches disasters and emergencies from an interdisciplinary point of view. The program emphasizes theories, research methodologies, and policies related to emergency preparedness, mitigation, management, and response.
Energy and Environmental Policy Program (Ph.D.)
The graduate program in Energy and Environmental Policy prepares students to contribute to the improvement of environmental and energy policy through the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the interactions of society, resources, and the environment. The Energy and Environmental Policy Program (ENEP) offers a Masters degree and a Ph.D. in Energy and Environmental Policy with support by faculty and research centers of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Business and Economics.
Public Administration (MPA)
The Master of Public Administration in the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration is a professional degree program that trains diverse, motivated students to lead and manage public and not-for-profit organizations. Our distinctive MPA program utilizes the ‘Delaware Model’ to integrate academic excellence with professional experience for aspiring and practicing public and not-for-profit managers. Through coursework and experiential learning, the degree develops the leadership, analytical, and problem-solving skills that are critical to competent, values-based decision-making in diverse, changing, and multi-sectored environments.
Public Policy (MPP)
The Master of Public Policy draws from multiple fields of study, including economics, political science, sociology, psychology, education, law, history, and public health. The Biden School MPP degree focuses on professional skills in public policy analysis, evaluation, and communication. MPP graduates often serve in a translational role between researchers, advocates, and policymakers. They help policymakers understand complex data and research results that should inform public policy-making, as well as stakeholder and constituent demands for public policy. This translational role can be served from within or outside of government, including in nonprofit organizations, consulting firms, and other private businesses.
Public Health (MPH)
The Master of Public Health in health policy and management is designed to prepare students for a career in health policy in applied public health settings: healthcare institutions, nonprofits, and local, state, or federal agencies. By providing students with a comprehensive foundation of public health principles and their application to policy, the MPH in health policy and management will ensure students are proficient in the skills needed to successfully enter the workforce.
The MPH in health policy and management is a 42-credit graduate program that includes core courses shared across an interdisciplinary core as well as a required applied practice experience and integrative learning experience. Courses in population health policy are supplemented by courses in health policy and management content areas (e.g., program evaluation, financial management, conflict resolution, and inequities in health and healthcare) and public health electives from across the University of Delaware.
The program is designed to be completed in 15 months.
Disaster Science and Management (M.S.)
The M.S. in Disaster Science and Management program approaches disasters from a distinctly interdisciplinary point of view. The program emphasizes theories, research methodologies, and policies related to emergency preparedness, mitigation, management, and response. This program is offered in hybrid format to accomodte a larger students base from Delaware and beyond.
Two master’s degree options are offered in the disaster program - a non-thesis M.S. and an M.S. with thesis. The non-thesis M.S. is considered to be a terminal, professional degree. Students interested in research or continuing for a Ph.D. should consider the thesis option.
Energy and Environmental Policy Program (MEEP)
The graduate program in Energy and Environmental Policy prepares students to contribute to the improvement of environmental and energy policy through the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the interactions of society, resources, and the environment. The Energy and Environmental Policy Program (ENEP) offers a Masters degree and a Ph.D. in Energy and Environmental Policy with support by faculty and research centers of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Business and Economics.
Urban Affairs and Public Policy (M.A.)
The M.A. in Urban Affairs & Public Policy prepares students to address many of the critical challenges facing communities at all levels, from neighborhoods to the nation: health, education, housing, civil rights, poverty, economic growth, media policy, and environmental quality. Because these challenges are not neatly bundled in disciplinary packages as political, economic, or sociological, the M.A. program is distinctively interdisciplinary. We equip our students with the diverse knowledge and experience needed to address policy challenges from creative vantage points, and we encourage them to adopt a truly global outlook on policy solutions.
Our educational model supports active, experiential learning at all stages. Students work side-by-side with faculty on urban and policy research and analysis designed to create and utilize knowledge that informs decisions and policies. Our faculty and students are focused on making a positive impact on the quality of life in the communities they serve, forming a bridge between the communities of ideas and the community of action. M.A. students are invited to participate in real world projects, enriching and applying what they learn in the classroom while they gain valuable practical experience that will help them launch productive careers.
Historic Preservation (Graduate Certificate)
The Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation introduces students to the current state of best practices in historic preservation and their theoretic underpinnings; explains the historic preservation planning process including development of preservation policies and treatment approaches; and provides basic skills and methodologies needed for the profession (including measured drawing, architectural photography, and archival research).
The Certificate can be pursued by students in any graduate degree program, by undergraduates concurrently with any undergraduate degree program, or by practicing professionals or other non-UD students.
Urban Data Science (Graduate Certifictae)
The certificate will provide students with the skills to apply Data Science techniques and methodologies to pressing problems in urban policy and administration, planning, and the emerging science of cities. The UDS certificate is closely aligned with the M.A. in Urban Affairs & Public Policy in the Biden School that treats the urban environment as the fundamental construct and prepares students to address critical societal issues across multiple spatial scales and disciplines. The UDS certificate enhances that approach as it conceptualizes cities as complex systems with three fundamental components–the human, natural, and built environments–whose interactions can be explored and understood through spatial and temporal quantitative and qualitative data. The technical skills developed in the program include statistical methods, computer coding, quantitative reasoning, geospatial statistics and GIS, and the social science implementations of the scientific method. These have applications in both research and practice including examples in transportation, sustainability, energy, environment, social justice, and technology in public life.
Public Health Preparedness (Graduate Certificate)
The graduate certificate in Public Health Preparedness will provide in-service professionals with additional credentials and skills specific to operations during a public health crisis. The certificate program continues the interdisciplinary precedent set in the Biden School’s Master of Public Health program by drawing on knowledge and resources across colleges.