2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences
Geography (MA, MS, PhD)
Telephone: (302) 831-2294
Program Overview
The Department offers programs leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Geography. Each graduate degree is highly individualized. A student works closely with his/her advisory committee to design and complete the graduate degree in physical geography, human geography, or coupled human-environment systems.
In physical geography, the Department has a long tradition focusing on climatology, especially physical, synoptic, dynamic climatology, and all phases of water budget cycling. In addition, emphasis is placed on land surface processes, especially glacial and alpine environments, sea-ice dynamics, hydrology, and ecosystem linkages. Human Geography covers a broad range of environmental themes approached from cultural-historical, socio-economic, and political perspectives. Coupled human-environment systems examines linkages and processes between the biophysical environment and human societies with emphasis in environmental governance, conflicts over increasingly scarce resources, and human dimensions of climate change. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged from across the University and in collaborations with local, national, and international partners.
Research Centers
The Department houses the Office of the State Climatologist for Delaware, the Delaware Environmental Observing System, the Delaware Geographic Alliance, and research laboratories for developing microclimatological research, hydrologic and dendrochronology studies, as well as computer laboratories in support of geographic information science, remote sensing, videography, and all aspects of data analysis and modeling. Our computational facilities include state-of-the-art networking, data storage capabilities, significant computer-intensive servers for modeling, and connections to SURA-Grid for supercomputing.
Requirements for Admission to Master’s Programs
General admissions requirements are an undergraduate grade point index of 2.75 or more, and a GRE verbal and quantitative score of 300 or higher. Admission is selective and competitive based on the number of well-qualified applicants and the limits of available faculty and facilities. Those who meet stated minimum academic requirements are not guaranteed admission, nor are those who fail to meet those requirements necessarily precluded from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths. Applicants are expected to have completed a previous degree in geography, geology, climatology, meteorology, or another relevant discipline. The Department will consider qualified applicants without previous background in geography, although additional preliminary work may be required.
Requirements for Admission to the Ph.D. program
General admissions requirements are a graduate grade point index of 3.0 or higher, and GRE verbal and quantitative score of 300 or higher. A prior Master’s degree in Geography is expected. Applicants with degrees from a program other than Geography may be considered if students can demonstrate similar preparation. Admission is highly competitive, based on a careful assessment of each applicant’s background and interest, and accessibility to facilities and other resources.
Applications should state a preference for approaching their studies from a physical, human, or coupled humanenvironmental systems, and demonstrate their preparation in methodological techniques appropriate to the particular interests of the student. Additional preparation may be required following admission and prior to undertaking a research program to allow students to conduct research in the area of their particular interests.
Financial Aid
Teaching assistantships, research assistantships and university fellowships are available to graduate students at the M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. levels. In addition, this department regularly assists students in finding fellowships via outside programs, such as NASA, NOAA, NSF, and American Meteorological Society. Please refer to Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships for additional information.Teaching assistantships, research assistantships and university fellowships are available to graduate students at the M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. levels. In addition, the Department regularly assists students in finding fellowships via outside programs, such as NASA, NOAA, NSF, and American Meteorological Society. Please refer to Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships for additional information.