Mar 02, 2025  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Education

Graduate Program Overview

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The School of Education offers graduate programs at the doctoral, specialist, and master’s levels. Our graduate programs prepare students for careers devoted to the solution of important educational problems - either through basic or applied research. Students in the Ph.D. in Education and the Ph.D. in Educational Statistics and Research Methods and the Ph.D. in Economic Education programs work closely with leading scholars in education and develop their own lines of investigation. The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program improves the leadership and decision making capabilities of practitioners in educational organizations. Students in the master’s and specialist programs develop knowledge and skills in areas such as teaching, educational technology, and school psychology. The professional education programs have received the State of Delaware approved program status. In addition, they have been recognized for meeting the standards of the national specialty organization in their field. The University of Delaware is a CAEP-accredited institution.

Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.) 

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The Ph.D. program in the School of Education seeks to prepare scholars whose research will address critical problems in education, develop our understanding of teaching and learning in diverse contexts, and lead to improved outcomes for all learners. There is no more important goal, nationally and globally, than educating all children and youth so that they may develop to their fullest potential. However, much remains to be discovered about how best to achieve this goal, given variation in learners, contexts, and opportunities. Our mission, to prepare the educational researchers of tomorrow, is accomplished through the implementation of a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes high quality educational research utilizing varied methodological approaches. The program is grounded in interdisciplinary perspectives, including those from anthropological, sociological, psychological, and cognitive science traditions.

The Ph.D. program prepares students to assume leadership roles in both academic and non-academic settings. The program requires a shared first year core that provides the foundation needed to frame and begin investigating important research questions. Specializations within the program build on this foundation and offer students the opportunity to pursue individualized programs of study that capitalize on faculty expertise both within the School of Education and across the University. By engaging in ongoing research and producing evidence of their accomplishments through apprenticeship activities, graduates are well positioned to contribute to solving significant educational problems throughout their careers.

Requirements for Admission

Applications for admission must be received by December 15 to be considered for acceptance for the following fall semester. Full-time study is strongly recommended.​​

Students apply to one of the following specialization areas:

  • Learning Sciences
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics Education
  • Sociocultural and Community-Based Approaches to Education

These specialization areas vary in the backgrounds expected of applicants. Applicants should consult for details about the specializations. Required materials for application include:

  • An officially reported GRE score. Students typically are expected to have minimum scores of 150 on the verbal and quantitative sections and a 4.0 on the analytic writing section. Most admitted students have far higher than the minimum scores.
  • An officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 100 (internet-based test -iBT) or 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test). IELTS scores may also be used and the minimum acceptable score is 7.0.
  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. Official transcripts from all previous undergraduate institutions must be submitted.
  • Official copy of the applicant’s graduate transcripts from an accredited college or university must be submitted, if applicable. Candidates applying to the mathematics education specialization must have earned a master’s degree.
  • Three letters of reference from individuals who are able to assess the applicant’s academic ability and potential. The recommendations should address the applicant’s potential for success in doctoral work.
  • A resume and a personal statement or essay outlining their goals and objectives, including a statement that clearly identifies the specialization area to which they are applying.

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Statistics and Research Methods (Ph.D.)

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The Ph.D. in Educational Statistics and Research Methods prepares students to assume leadership roles as researchers in both academic and non-academic settings. The program participates in the School of Education’s shared first year Ph.D. core that provides the foundation needed to frame and begin investigating important research questions. The Educational Statistics and Research Methods program builds on this foundation and offers students the opportunity to pursue individualized programs of study that capitalize on faculty expertise both within the School of Education and across the University. By engaging in ongoing research and producing evidence of their accomplishments through apprenticeship activities, graduates are well positioned to contribute to solving significant educational problems throughout their careers.

Requirements for Admission

Applications for admission must be received by December 15 to be considered for acceptance for the following fall semester. Full-time study is strongly recommended.

Required materials for application include:

  • An officially reported GRE score. Students typically are expected to have minimum scores of 150 on the verbal and quantitative sections and a 4.0 on the analytic writing section. Most admitted students have far higher than the minimum scores.
  • An officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 100 (internet-based test -iBT) or 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test). IELTS scores may also be used and the minimum acceptable score is 7.0.
  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. Official transcripts from all previous undergraduate institutions must be submitted.
  • Official copy of the applicant’s graduate transcripts from an accredited college or university must be submitted, if applicable. 
  • Three letters of reference from individuals who are able to assess the applicant’s academic ability and potential. The recommendations should address the applicant’s potential for success in doctoral work.
  • A resume and a personal statement or essay outlining their goals and objectives.​

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The School of Education offers doctoral studies in Educational Leadership for practitioners at all levels of education. Candidates are ordinarily employed in positions or have roles involving leadership in both K-12 and higher education (e.g., principal, department chair, curriculum coordinator/specialist, personnel or human resources manager, counseling and guidance coordinator, central office specialist, higher education program instructor). Candidates in K-12 leadership positions can earn Delaware administrative certification (Central Office Personnel, Regulation 1592; and Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent, Regulation 1593).

Requirements for Admission to the Ed.D. Program

Ed.D. admission decisions are made by an admissions committee composed of the program’s affiliated faculty members. Students are admitted to the program based upon program capacity (which limits the total number that can be accepted) and the applicant’s qualifications.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must hold a master’s degree in a relevant area (e.g., educational leadership; literacy, mathematics, or science education; higher education; human services; special education; technology in education) from an accredited university by the month in which they begin doctoral work.
  • Applicants must demonstrate scholastic ability by having achieved a minimum graduate grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.00 scale in their undergraduate degree and 3.00 on a 4.00 scale in their master’s program.
  • Applicants should be working in or toward a leadership role in their current position (e.g., administrator, coordinator, or teacher leader at a district/school, department, or other education organization). A current Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) must be submitted as part of the application.
  • Three letters of recommendation from people qualified to assess the applicant’s leadership skills and academic potential. One letter must be from the applicant’s supervisor. Recommendations must be submitted electronically as part of the online application.
  • A completed University of Delaware online graduate application.
  • Written responses to the following three prompts: 1) Explain why you are applying to this particular program, that is, why do you want to be admitted to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership? 2) The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership requires that candidates be involved in planning and implementing a series of initiatives targeted at specific improvement needs that candidates identify and in which they may exercise leadership. Describe the contexts and responsibilities in your current position which would allow you to exercise leadership. 3) Describe a problem in your area of interest that typifies the kind of issue that you would like to pursue as a leadership professional and why you think it is important to address.
  • The GRE test is not required as an admission requirement for this program. However, applicants who are international students and whose native language is not English must submit evidence of their English ability through TOEFL or IELTS scores. Minimum acceptable scores are 100 for TOEFL iBT or 7.0 on the IELTS. International applicants who have completed a masters degree from an American university may have this requirement waived.
  • Additional materials are appropriate if they help to establish the candidate’s ability to analyze, reason, interpret, and write clear and persuasive prose. A grant proposal, report, journal article, or other succinct writing may be included with the application.

School Psychology (M.A., Ed.S.)

Telephone (302) 831-8695

The School of Education offers a comprehensive master’s/educational specialist degree program to prepare graduates for professional certification in school psychology. The program trains students in (1) direct intervention skills, including counseling and applied behavioral analysis, (2) psychoeducational evaluation of children, using a variety of assessment and diagnostic approaches, (3) prevention, (4) consultation with parents, teachers, and school administrators, and (5) evaluation and research in school settings. The program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Therefore, students completing the program will qualify for school psychology certification in Delaware and most other states.

Requirements for Admission to the School Psychology Program

Admissions are made once each year in the School Psychology Program, with application materials due by January 15.

  • A minimum undergraduate cumulative index of 3.0 from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum graduate cumulative index of 3.5 from an accredited college or university.
  • GRE Quantitative and Verbal Test scores must be submitted. Although there is not a minimum GRE requirement, it is expected that applicants will attain a 1050 or above on the combined verbal and quantitative sections of the exam.
  • An officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test) or 100 (iBT)
  • OR an officially reported minimum IELTS score of 7.0 for applicants whose native language is not English.
  • Three letters of reference from individuals who are able to assess the applicant’s academic ability and potential.
  • Complete program application including a written goal statement and interview with program faculty in which dispositions consistent with the goals of the program are assessed.

Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degrees

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The School of Education is currently accepting applications to the Master of Education degree programs in Educational Technology, Exceptional Children and Youth, and Teacher Leadership.

Master of Education in Educational Technology

The Master of Education in Educational Technology is a degree program designed for individuals who seek both a theoretical and a practical grounding in educational technology methods and techniques, emphasizing theories of teaching and learning that support these methods. Based on the assumption that new media and the Internet can have a positive effect on teaching and learning, this program is designed for individuals who want to use technology to make a positive impact on the future of schooling. Those interested in applying to the program must provide the School of Education faculty with evidence of a strong academic background representing both breadth and depth in their content area and experience with technology. Due dates for receipt of completed applications are August 15 for admission for the fall semester, December 10 for admission in winter session, January 23 for admission for the spring semester and May 27 for admission in summer session.

Requirements for Admission to the M.Ed. in Educational Technology

  • A bachelor’s degree in a field relevant to the applicant’s proposed program. An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum score of 600 on the TOEFL (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test) or 100 (iBT), or a minimum overall score of 7.0 on the IELTS from applicants whose first language is not English.
  • Three letters of reference from individuals who can assess the applicant’s academic ability and potential.
  • A complete program application including a written statement of goals and objectives.

Master of Education in Exceptional Children and Youth

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Exceptional Children and Youth degree program is designed to develop professional educators committed to careers working with individuals with disabilities. Graduates are prepared to work as special education teachers, education consultants, and educational technology specialists. Several options, representing different certification tracks and concentrations, are offered in the program.

Tracks include:

  1. the Masters Program (EECX) advanced degree only track (face-to-face or online options) for teachers who hold an initial teaching certificate in special or general education or those not intending to pursue certification.
  2. the Masters Plus Certification Program (MPCP) track for those seeking an initial teaching certificate in addition to the degree, and
  3. a 4+1 program track for University of Delaware students who will earn an initial teaching certificate as an undergraduate and are seeking an advanced degree and additional certification.

Concentrations include: (1) Elementary Special Education, (2) Secondary Special Education, and (3) Autism/Severe Disabilities Certification. In consultation with their advisors, students in the advanced degree only track may choose to pursue an elective focus area in Special Education Technology. Due dates for receipt of completed applications for the three tracks are:

  • M.Ed. advanced degree only
    • (face-to-face): July 1 for admission in the fall semester; November 1 for admission in the subsequent spring semester.
    • (online): July 1 for admission in the fall semester; December 1 for admission in the subsequent spring semester, April 1 for admission in the summer semester.
  • MPCP: February 15 for admission the following summer.
  • 4+1 dual certification: December 15 of junior year for admission in the subsequent fall semester.
  • M.Ed. (online): July 1 for admission in the fall semester, November 1 for admission in the spring semester, and May 15 for admission in summer session.

Requirements for Admission to the M.Ed. in Exceptional Children and Youth

Those who meet stated minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission, nor are those who fail to meet all requirements necessarily precluded from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths.

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, or for 4+1 applicants, current enrollment in the appropriate University of Delaware education major.
    • Students in the Early Childhood Education major or Elementary Teacher Education major/Special Education concentration can apply to the 4+1 track in autism/severe disabilities, students in a secondary education major or the Elementary Teacher Education major/English as a Second Language, Middle School, or Urban Education concentrations can apply to the 4+1 track in elementary special education, and students in a secondary education major or the Elementary Teacher Education major/Middle School concentrations can apply to the 4+1 track in secondary special education. Note: Applicants to the 4+1 track in secondary special education must successfully complete EDUC 415 (Special Education Practicum; one credit) prior to their senior year.
  • A minimum undergraduate cumulative index of 3.0 from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum graduate cumulative index of 3.5 (if applicable) from an accredited college or university.
  • An officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test) or 100 (iBT) OR an officially reported minimum IELTS score of 7.0 for applicants whose native language is not English.
  • MPCP applicants with no prior teaching certification must submit passing scores required by the State of Delaware on all three of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests .
  • Three letters of reference from professors or supervisors who can attest to the applicant’s academic ability and potential. Note: Instead of letters of reference, 4+1 applicants will provide a program approval form signed by a major advisor.
  • A completed program application including a statement of professional objectives that specifies intended focus area and certification track. If the applicant plans to pursue initial teacher certification through the MPCP in addition to the degree, this must be stated. Applicants for the 4+1 use this form.

A 500-word essay on a special education topic. Information on this admission requirement is available This essay is not required for 4+1 applicants.

Master of Education in Literacy

The M.Ed. in Literacy program is designed to prepare certified teachers to become Reading/Literacy Specialists.. According to the ILA Standards for Reading Professionals (ILA, 2017), Reading/Literacy Specialists need competencies and skills that extend beyond those required of the classroom teacher. Specifically, they must demonstrate strong foundational skills in theory and research, a firm understanding of evidence-based instruction and assessment practices, and the ability to evaluate and plan literacy instruction for of all students in the reading and writing classroom, including struggling readers and writers. In addition, Reading/Literacy Specialists must be proficient in print and digital literacy practices that allow them to create an environment where students read, write, and learn using traditional literature, multimodal texts, and technology-based literacy tools; in addition, they must be able to support teachers in the use of digital literacy tools. Reading/Literacy specialists must be able to design evidence-based literacy curricula and support teachers in its implementation. Finally, they must demonstrate the professionalism that will allow them to support teachers, work with families, and participate in local and state decision-making.

The M.Ed. in Literacy is taught in an online format only and all accepted students will be expected to have the appropriate hardware and software components listed on the program’s School of Education website.

Requirements for Admission for the M.Ed. in Literacy

Admission decisions are made by the full-time faculty in literacy. Candidates will be admitted to the program based upon enrollment availability and their ability to meet the following minimum recommended entrance requirements. This program is designed to serve current teachers who wish to enroll in this graduate program on a part-time basis to seek certification as a Reading/Literacy Specialist.

  1. Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  2. Transcripts showing an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants with lower than expected performance are not automatically disqualified, but should provide an explanation for their prior performance and describe the experiences, skills, and dispositions they believe indicate the ability to succeed at the graduate level.
  3. Transcripts showing a minimum GPA of 3.0 for all graduate courses completed (if applicable). This GPA applies to graduate level courses taken through continuing education or graduate programs at the University of Delaware and other institutions.
  4. Three letters of recommendation from individuals who are able to assess the applicant’s academic potential. Letters should be from professors who can attest to the candidate’s suitability for graduate study and supervisors who can comment on the candidate’s professional commitment and experience. Letters from family, friends, and professional peers are strongly discouraged.
  5. For students whose native language is not English, an officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test), and IELTS of 7.0.
  6. A written statement responding to the following three prompts:
    • In a 500 word essay, outline your short-term and long-term career goals and how a M.Ed. in Literacy relates to them.
    • Describe a problem in your professional setting that typifies an issue you would like to pursue as a reading/literacy specialist and why you think it is important to address.
    • As you know, the M.Ed. in Literacy program at the University of Delaware is offered online. It requires students to be self-initiated learners and excellent time managers. Additionally, many of the courses require you to apply what you learn to an educational setting with students. Specifically, EDUC 630 and EDUC 763 require you to tutor a child regularly in reading and writing. Describe (a) how you plan to manage your time so you are able to fulfill your course requirements and (b) how you will identify appropriate educational settings so you can fulfill course requirements. Be specific.

Certificate in Reading

Please Note: The Certification in Reading has a moratorium on admissions at this time.

The Certificate in Reading is designed to serve current teachers who wish to enroll in a program focusing on a concentrated course of study in reading. The curriculum focuses on theory, research, and practical application of reading and writing. Specifically, the courses aim to provide candidates with a strong foundation in literacy theory and research, a firm understanding of evidence-based instruction and assessment practices, and the ability to evaluate and plan literacy instruction for of all students in the reading and writing classroom, including struggling readers and writers. In addition, candidates will learn how to create an environment where students read, write, and learn using traditional literature, multimodal texts, and technology-based literacy tools. Finally, candidates will learn how to design evidence-based literacy curricula and support colleagues in the implementation of reading curricula.

The Certificate in Reading is taught in an online format only and all accepted students will be expected to have the appropriate hardware and software components listed on the program’s School of Education website.

Requirements for Admission to the Certificate in Reading

Complete applications will be reviewed upon receipt but no later than the following deadlines: fall admission, August 1st, spring admission, January 1st, summer admission, May 1st. Admission application forms are available online.

Admission decisions are made by the full-time faculty in literacy. Candidates will be admitted to the program based upon enrollment availability and their ability to meet the following minimum recommended entrance requirements:

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Transcripts showing an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants with lower than expected performance are not automatically disqualified, but should provide an explanation for their prior performance and describe the experiences, skills, and dispositions they believe indicate the ability to succeed at the graduate level.
  • Transcripts showing a minimum GPA of 3.0 for all graduate courses completed (if applicable). This GPA applies to graduate level courses taken through continuing education or graduate programs at the University of Delaware and other institutions.
  • Three letters of recommendation from individuals who are able to assess the applicant’s academic potential.
  • Letters should be from professors who can attest to the candidate’s suitability for graduate study and supervisors who can comment on the candidate’s professional commitment and experience. Letters from family, friends, and professional peers are strongly discouraged.
  • For students whose native language is not English, an officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test), and IELTS of 7.0.
  • A written statement of goals and objectives that should (a) clearly describe why the applicant wishes to pursue a Certificate in Reading and (b) indicate and explain any areas of special interest.
  • Writing sample responding to the following prompt: As you know, the Certificate in Reading program at the University of Delaware is offered online. In a 500 word essay describe the following: (1) your technology skills and experiences with technology and (2) how this program can meet your professional goals.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the teaching of oral language, reading, and writing through previous coursework and teaching.

Master of Education in Teacher Leadership

The M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership is a fully online 30-credit program that prepares certified teachers to gain an understanding of school-based teacher leadership roles and responsibilities. The program is aligned to the National Teacher Leadership Standards developed by the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium. Two of the ten courses in the curriculum also address the ideas in the Common Core State Standards that many states are adopting because school-based teacher leaders in these states will be responsible for understanding the Common Core.

Based on the National Teacher Leadership Standards, the objectives of the program are aimed at developing teachers who are able to:

  • Coach and mentor others.
  • Leverage technology to foster collaboration.
  • Systematically look at classroom-based and school-based data to identify pupils’ needs and collaboratively select intervention methods.
  • Apply understanding about diverse schools when developing culturally relevant professional development.
  • Use the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of a teacher leader to enable them to lead from the classroom.

Requirements for Admission to the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership

Students will be admitted to the program based upon enrollment availability and their ability to meet the following minimum entrance requirements.

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. Transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies must be uploaded as part of the application.
  • On a 4.0 scale, a GPA of 3.00 or higher for undergraduate work.
  • Applicants must submit at least three letters of recommendation from professionals who can attest to their teaching, leadership, and academic potential.
  • A written statement of goals and objectives that should (a) outline your short-term and long-term career goals and discuss how an M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership relates to them. (b) The M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership teaches candidates to lead from the classroom. Describe a problem in your professional setting that typifies an issue you would like to pursue as a teacher leader and why you think it is important to address.
  • Writing sample responding to the following prompt: The M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership is delivered 100% online. It requires students to be self-initiated learners and excellent time-managers. Describe how you plan to manage your time so you are able to fulfill your course requirements.
  • All students whose native language is not English must submit official copies of the TOEFL or IELTS test. The minimum acceptable score for the paper-based TOEFL test is 600; the minimum acceptable score for the Internet-based TOEFL test is (iBT) 100. The minimum acceptable score for the IELTS is 7.0.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economic Education

Please Note: The Ph.D. in Economic Education has a moratorium on admissions at this time.

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The University of Delaware offers an innovative interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Economic Education, run jointly by the Department of Economics and the School of Education and designed to train the next generation of leaders in this important and fast-growing field.

The broad goal of the program is to prepare a new generation of scholars and practitioners in the field of Economic Education, encompassing knowledge and research methodologies found in both Economics and Education. Graduates of the program have a wide range of professional and academic employment opportunities including academic positions in Departments of Economics and Education; Centers for Economic Education (approximately 300 nationally, most affiliated with universities); education units within regional Federal Reserve Banks as well as other private sector businesses and foundations with an interest in economic and financial literacy; school districts and state departments of instruction; and education consulting and evaluation firms.

Requirements for Admission

A completed Admission Application must be submitted no later than December 15 to be considered for acceptance for the following fall semester.

Admission to the graduate program is competitive. Those who meet stated minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission, nor are those who fail to meet all of those requirements necessarily precluded from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths.

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  • An officially reported GRE score. Students typically are expected to have minimum scores of 150 on the verbal and quantitative sections and a 4.0 on the analytic writing section. Most admitted students have far higher than the minimum scores.
  • An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • An officially reported minimum TOEFL score of 100 (internet-based test -iBT) or 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test). IELTS scores may also be used and the minimum acceptable score is 7.0.
  • A written statement of goals and objectives, including a statement that clearly identifies the applicant’s interest in the program.
  • Undergraduate coursework in microeconomics and macroeconomics at the intermediate level or above and in statistics and mathematics (calculus) is expected. Otherwise qualified students who lack this background may be directed to appropriate coursework to remedy this deficiency.

In addition to the required coursework for the PhD in Economic Education, all students must demonstrate graduate-level competence in economic theory and in statistical methods. Students without this background at the time of admission will take the following additional University of Delaware courses as part of their graduate work in the Economic Education PhD program: ECON 801 , ECON 802 , ECON 803 , ECON 804 , and EDUC 856 . Students who have completed fully comparable graduate coursework prior to enrollment in the Ph.D. in Economic Education program may seek a waiver for these courses.

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching English as a Second Language

Telephone: (302) 831-8695

The M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) program prepares students for teaching and curriculum development in ESL classrooms for the public schools, higher education, and teaching abroad. Students are strongly encouraged to pursue the degree as full-time students. All students will complete either a practicum or a graduate student teaching internship.

Requirements for Admission to M.A. in TESL

Applicants are admitted to this cohort-based program once a year, with completed applications due by April 1 (priority deadline) and July 15 (final deadline) for the following fall semester. Late applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Please contact Dr. Scott Stevens ( If unusual circumstances exist, a student may petition to have their application reviewed for spring semester admittance by contacting Dr. Scott Stevens ( by October 1. If the petition is approved, the completed application must be received by November 1.

  • Complete program application including a statement of goals and objectives.
  • A minimum undergraduate cumulative index of 3.0 from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum graduate cumulative index of 3.5 from an accredited college or university for all graduate courses completed.
  • An officially reported minimum TOEFL iBT score of 100 or an officially reported minimum IELTS score of 7.0 for applicants whose native language is not English.
  • Three letters of reference from individuals who are able to assess the applicant’s academic ability and potential. At least one letter must be from a current or former professor.

