2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Center for Global and Area Studies
African Studies Program
Director: Dr. Kelebogile Setiloane
Email: ksetil@udel.edu
Telephone: (302) 831-1560
The African Studies minor aims to provide students with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the histories, art, literature, cultures, political and social contexts of the African continent and its peoples. As an interdisciplinary field of study, the minor complements undergraduate majors in political science, humanities, social and health sciences enhancing the pursuit of career paths that include public service, international relations, public health, academia as well as others.
Study abroad opportunities are available in a number of countries in Africa and students are encouraged to pursue these through the Institute for Global Studies.
Asian Studies Program
Director: Dr. Rachael Hutchinson
Email: rhutch@udel.edu
Telephone: (302) 831-2597
The Asian Studies Program at the University of Delaware is an interdisciplinary program that provides students the opportunity to learn about Asia from a variety of perspectives and fields, while exploring how different local, national, and regional cultures and systems interact within Asia and with the world. Students may major or minor in Asian Studies. The program also offers students an Honors option. An Asian Studies major or minor can also complement a host of other majors, including foreign language, history, international relations, political science, and international business. This interdisciplinary minor offers students the opportunity to enhance their major with 15 credit hours of Asia-related coursework, which may include language courses above the 100-level.
Students majoring in Asian Studies take courses on Asia in several academic disciplines, and are encouraged to develop language proficiency and experience study abroad in Asia. Knowledge of Asia - its cultures, peoples, histories, languages, and politics - is an important resource for any career in our global economy and society. Future careers for Asian Studies majors include education, government, the foreign service, international agencies, business, journalism, and international law. Asian Studies majors also often choose to pursue advanced degrees in some aspect of Asian Studies.
European Studies Program
Director: Prof. Daniel Kinderman
Telephone: 302-831-0686
E-mail: kindermd@udel.edu
European Studies is an interdisciplinary major that blends the humanities and the social sciences. Offered jointly by the departments of History, Political Science, and Languages, Literatures and Cultures, it stresses comprehensive knowledge of a particular European country through study of its language, literature, history, political institutions, and international relations. The major also encourages students to take courses in philosophy, art history, music, and geography, thereby fostering multifaceted understanding of the target country within its general European context.
Students enrolled in this program will gain the tools they will need in such future undertakings as graduate school, government or other international agencies, international law, or commercial enterprises with an international orientation.
Students in other majors who wish to change their major to European Studies must have a minimum grade point average of 2.3. Students transferring into the major from outside the University of Delaware will have their transcripts evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Study abroad is strongly recommended for students in this program.
Global Studies Program
Telephone: (302)831-3202
This minor provides University of Delaware undergraduates with the opportunity to increase their awareness of global issues through the study of contemporary global trends. The minor seeks to prepare students to succeed in a world that is increasingly globalized by exposing them to the political and cultural foundations of global issues. The minor allows students to take courses that focus on issues and trends that span more than one continent or region. This minor also encourages students to develop an analytical approach to global issues, by comparing how issues and trends in one region play out in others. The minor cultivates a greater appreciation for other cultures through a combination of coursework, study abroad, language training, lectures, workshops, and other activities. The minor offers two tracks. Students must select one and take three of the courses offered under the selected track.
Islamic Studies Program
Contemporary events dramatically underscore the profound significance of Islam, and the urgent need for a better understanding of global Islam and the Islamic World. Islam has not only become an important force in the global cultural, political and economic spheres, it has become a crucial aspect of the American and Western experience due primarily to the growth of Muslim communities in the West. The minors in Islamic Studies and Islamic Studies with Language are designed to empower students with knowledge of Islam and the Islamic world.
Islamic Studies is an interdisciplinary program for students wishing to focus their interests on Islam and the Islamic world as an enhancement and complement to their undergraduate majors. Students have two possible options: 1) a minor in Islamic Studies without language or 2) a minor in Islamic Studies with language (Arabic).
For further information please visit: https://www.cgas.udel.edu/programs/islamic-studies
Jewish Studies Program
Director: Dr. Polly Zavadivker
Telephone: (302) 831-3324
E-mail: Dr. Zavadivker pollyz@udel.edu, Program Assistant: Katie Capallo ktw@udel.edu
Jewish Studies is a uniquely interdisciplinary program for students who wish to explore all aspects of Jewish culture, especially its literature, language, and history, as well as its ethics, politics, and philosophy. This program enables students to study a wide variety of subjects with local and global relevance. Its range of courses emphasize the diversity of Jewish experience, both in today’s Israel and the Diaspora.
Jewish Studies courses are cross-listed and taught by faculty in the departments of History, English, Women & Gender Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Languages, Literatures & Cultures, and others. This diverse range of disciplines allows the Jewish Studies Minor to enrich many majors at the University, fulfilling both college and university requirements. Courses range from small seminars to large lectures. Course curriculum is enhanced by cultural events and lectures that bring innovative scholars and artists to campus to share their work and participate in the intellectual life of the university. The University’s Special Collections at Morris Library also provide students and faculty with rare access to the papers of world-famous American Jewish writers.
The minors in Jewish Studies and Jewish Studies with Language complement many different undergraduate majors, and allow students to create a concentration based on their own interests and goals. The program provides students with linguistic and cultural knowledge that enable pursuit of many career paths, including education, social work, public service, museum work, international relations, and non-profit management.
The Jewish Studies Program provides two options for a minor, either 1) a minor in Jewish Studies or 2) a minor in Jewish Studies with Language (Hebrew). Both minors require 15 credits, with a 100 level requirement (JWST101: What is Judaism? or JWST146: Introduction to Jewish Culture and History) and at least 6 credits at the 300 level or higher.
Latin American and Iberian Studies Program
Latin American & Iberian Studies Advisor: Dr. Eve Buckley
123 Munroe Hall
Telephone: 302-831-0793
Email: ebuckley@udel.edu
The Latin American & Iberian Studies Program offers both a major and minor designed to prepare undergraduate students for careers relating to Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. This interdisciplinary program provides students with comprehensive training in Spanish language as well as Latin American and Iberian literature, history, politics, geography, and culture. Portuguese language courses are also available.
Many career opportunities are open to students who major in Latin American & Iberian Studies. Because of their linguistic training and in-depth knowledge of the area, graduates of the program often find employment in government, including the foreign services, as well as in international business and banking, social work, educational organizations and non-governmental organizations that work extensively in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, graduates are well prepared to pursue advanced degrees in Latin American & Iberian Studies.
The minor in Latin American & Iberian Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide graduates with an organized focus for their interests in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. The program is designed to enhance, rather than substitute for, a student’s disciplinary major.