Feb 17, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Telephone: (302) 831-2062
E-mail: matsci@udel.edu
Website: http://www.mseg.udel.edu/
Faculty Listing: www.mseg.udel.edu/directory/faculty.html


The Department of Materials Science and Engineering offers a Bachelor of Materials Science and Engineering. The department also offers minors in Materials Science and Engineering and in Nanoscale Materials degrees.  Our program is designed to provide students with coursework, laboratories, and design experiences across modern material topics including materials for energy, the environment, and healthcare, as well as more classic topics including structural and commodity materials.  This broad and deep perspective in both materials science and engineering, including experimental and computation/simulation knowledge and skills, will prepare students for careers in engineering industries, research, or graduate work.



The Educational Objectives of the department are:

  • To provide students with the breadth of educational opportunities in materials science and engineering that will enable them to pursue productive careers.
  • To establish and maintain an environment that encourages students to pursue their personal and professional goals within a rigorous, supportive, and innovative educational program. 
  • To educate graduates who will be able to broadly apply their knowledge of materials science and engineering in the private or public sectors and/or in the pursuit of more advanced degrees.
  • To cultivate graduates who will actively seek to provide technical, educational, public sector and/or business leadership in a rapidly changing, increasingly technological, global society
  • To foster a community of engineers who embrace their responsibility toward the betterment of our local and global community.



Students entering material science should have strong backgrounds in math and science.  Successful progress through the department will be monitored regularly. Students not satisfying the college’s 2.0 GPA requirement for STEM courses will need to meet with their academic advisor in order to enroll for future semester.



To maintain adequate progress in the program, students are strongly encouraged to have satisfactorily completed MATH 241MATH 242CISC 106 , PHYS 207, CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 by the end of the summer session of their freshman year.  Students are expected to complete this program in eight regular semesters; though exceptions may be necessary for transfers.  With most of the MSEG courses only offered once a year, it is imperative that students follow as closely as possible the course sequences outlined below.





Materials Science and Engineering

Information about the Materials Science and Engineering Minor can be found at www.mseg.udel.edu/academicsminor.html.

Minor Advisor: Dr. Ismat Shah, ismat@udel.edu or (302) 831-1618


Nanoscale Materials

Information about the Nanoscale Materials Minor can be found at www.mseg.udel.edu/academicsminor.html.

Minor Advisor: Dr. Ismat Shah, ismat@udel.edu or (302) 831-1618 

