Jul 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Art and Design

Telephone: (302) 831-2244

The Department of Art and Design is a studio-oriented department offering a wide range of visual arts activities and subject areas. Passing a portfolio review is required for admission to the major. The Department offers undergraduate majors in Art (Bachelor of Arts), Fine Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts), and Visual Communications (Bachelor of Fine Arts). The B.A. degree requires 52 credit hours of art courses. The B.F.A. - F.A. degree requires 76 credit hours minimum of art courses and 86 credit hours maximum. The B.F.A. - V.C. degree requires 76 credit hours minimum of art courses and 86 credit hours maximum. To continue in the degree programs, the cumulative Art GPA must be 2.66 or better AND all grades in art courses must be C- or better.

Core studio art courses are taken in the freshman and sophomore years. After completion of a minimum of 40 credits of core courses, continuation in all three degree programs is contingent upon the successful submission of an electronic portfolio of original work and a core review process usually conducted in the spring of sophomore year.

Art History courses may be applied toward both the art major related work requirement and a breadth requirement, but credits are counted only once toward the total credits for graduation.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fine Arts degree combines creative research with hands-on experimentation to ensure students are well versed in a variety of media and able to adapt to a fast-paced and evolving career landscape. Shared studio spaces are provided for upper level students so that they have the opportunity to independently establish a strong work ethic while collaborating with peers. Fine Arts students create original works in computer courses, photography and video, multi-media, painting, printmaking, ceramics, and sculpture, which prepare them to be competitive in contemporary art, commercial applications of art, and a host of other career pathways.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communications degree is an intense series of courses intended to inspire inquiry into the art of communication design and develop applicable skills in various creative processes. The degree path begins with a focus on typography and image design fundamentals, then leads each student toward a self-motivated career in the applied arts through a variety of required and elective courses in graphic design, advertising, illustration, and new media.

The Department enjoys an excellent reputation. Our facilities include a large computer lab, digital and electronic equipment, and spacious studios, which support a variety of artistic and design practices. The proximity of the University to major cultural centers of the northeastern United States provides students with easy access to important museums, galleries, internships, field trip options, and allows for an outstanding program of visiting artists.

The Interactive Media minor is available through the Department. For more information, contact the imm-committee@udel.edu or visit: www.udel.edu/interactivemedia/.

