Mar 13, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Liberal Studies and Medical/Dental Scholars Program

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies

This degree differs from the regular Bachelor of Arts degree in that it requires 60 credits at the 300-level or higher. The most significant difference from the more conventional degree, however, is that instead of a major, students pursue a sequence of courses of their choice that are consistent with their stated educational goals.

Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies is determined by a faculty committee appointed by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, which reviews student proposals and approves them or makes suggestions on improving or strengthening them. To be eligible to apply to the program, a student must have a cumulative grade index of 2.25 and must have completed no more than 75 credit hours at the time of the application. The committee looks for proposals that are cohesive and realistic, designed to afford the student knowledge in some broad, interdisciplinary field or focused more narrowly and in greater depth on one theme and, in general, involving course combinations that would not be feasible within one of the standard degree options. A minimum of 39 credit hours must be related to the main theme of the BALS project and a minimum grade of C- must be earned in these core courses. Students who are accepted into the Medical/Dental Scholars program complete a major in Liberal Studies using the Medical/Dental Scholars template.

Advisement and planning are essential in formulating such a proposal. Students are urged to seek advice from faculty members and the Program Director as they work on drawing up their programs. The screening committee requires the applications to carry the signature of three faculty members including the candidate’s primary advisor. Proposals should be submitted to the Program Director by October 15 or by March 15. Application forms and further information are available on the web at

PreMedicine, PreDentistry, PrePharmacy

Preparation for admission to professional schools in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and related fields must include specific course work in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Although many preprofessional students major in biology or chemistry because these disciplines include the science training required, nonscience majors are acceptable and, in fact, encouraged by many professional schools.

The Center for Health Professions Studies assists students who are pursuing careers in the health professions, including medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, advanced nurse practitioner, pharmacy, and physical and occupational therapy. The center provides all pathways for premedical studies and provides advisement and referral services for students pursuing careers in other health-related professions:

Preprofessional students usually begin their career-related course work in the first semester of the freshman year in order to complete the relevant courses before taking professional aptitude tests as juniors. Early academic advisement is essential to ensure that the preprofessional curriculum requirements are met. The Health Sciences Advisory and Evaluation Committee coordinates advisory services for all students preparing for admission to health-related professional schools. Call (302) 831-2282 for information or consult the Preprofessional Programs website at:

The University of Delaware participates in cooperative medical education programs with the Christiana Care Health System of Delaware (CCHS), St. Francis Healthcare Wilmington, the Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, and the Delaware Institute for Medical Education and Research (DIMER). Under the terms of the DIMER program, up to twenty students who are Delaware residents may be admitted to Thomas Jefferson and five at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Information regarding this program may be obtained at or by contacting the Center for Health Profession Studies (302 831-4949).

Medical/Dental Scholars Program

The Medical/Dental Scholars Program of the University supports a unique early admissions dual tract premedical/predental eight-year academic program sponsored with the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University and the Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University. It is designed for unique students who are certain that they want to become either physicians or dentists and who seek a program of academic study that blends the scientific and cultural aspects of the medical humanities. This program is accomplished by providing highly qualified students with a balanced education in liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies. The commonly shared curriculum in preparation for these two professions not only includes the traditional courses in the life/physical sciences but also the opportunity to specialize in one of three areas related to medicine or dentistry dealing with bioethics, administration and public policy, or translational research.

Freshmen are invited to join an “Interest Group” in their second semester designating medicine or dentistry as their professional goal. Upon completion of their sophomore year, qualified students from this group are selected for early conditional acceptance at either Thomas Jefferson or Temple University. Following interviews at these respective institutions, accepted students are declared either Medical or Dental Scholars.

For more information, contact the faculty coordinator at (302) 831-4949 or consult the Medical/Dental Scholars Program website.


The University of Delaware and the Thomas Jefferson University College of Health Professions sponsor a joint 3+4 program leading to baccalaureate degree at the University of Delaware and a graduate degree in pharmacy at Thomas Jefferson University. Under this dual degree program, students spend three years at UD’s Newark campus followed by four years at the Jefferson School of Health Professions, earning a biology B.S. degree in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Pharmaceutical Sciences from UD and a doctorate in pharmacy from Jefferson (Biological Sciences - Pharmaceutical Sciences Concentration (BS) ).


    MajorHonors Degree