Mar 13, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Telephone: (302) 831-2405
Faculty Listing:

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers programs that lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Computer Engineering, both with Honors Degree options. The Electrical Engineering curriculum prepares graduates to enter the broad profession of modern electrical engineering. The Computer Engineering curriculum is more focused on the application of electrical engineering principles to the design of computers, networks of computers, or systems that include computers.

Both degrees strive to achieve three Program Educational Objectives:

  1. Graduates who choose to follow a career path in industry or government will be successful in obtaining employment and will become productive and valued engineers within their companies.
  2. Graduates who choose to obtain an advanced degree in engineering will be successful in gaining admission to a graduate program and obtaining their desired degree.
  3. Graduates will have the professional skills required to advance into leadership positions within their chosen careers.

Coursework in electrical and computer engineering starts with the first term of the freshman year, with successive years building on prerequisite courses and including an unusually high number of courses with laboratories.

There are four basic parts to the Delaware curriculum in engineering: (1) a core group of courses, (2) a group of foundation electives, (3) an elective group of technical courses, and (4) a “breadth” component that includes six courses in the humanities and social sciences and two in written communications.

The core group consists of required courses in mathematics, chemistry, computer science, and electrical and computer engineering.

Foundation electives are chosen from a restricted list of courses.  Electrical engineering majors must take three foundation classes and Computer Engineering majors must take one (Computer Engineers cannot count CPEG 323  since it is a core course for their major).

Technical electives are chosen from a set of approved courses in the fields of engineering, mathematics, natural science, and computer science. These electives provide the student with the opportunity to study a particular area of interest at a greater depth. The technical elective courses chosen by the student must follow the specific guidelines for the student’s major and be approved by the departmental academic advisor. Students must take at least six  credits in courses designated as “design.”

The breadth component must include courses from the humanities and from the social sciences, including courses at an advanced level. Electrical and Computer Engineering students must include two writing courses (ENGL 110  and one from a list of five upper level English courses). Any deviation from these requirements must be approved by the ECE Department Chair or his/her designee.


A minor in Bioelectrical Engineering may be earned by a student in any University bachelor’s degree program. This minor provides students with an opportunity to integrate physiology and biological sciences with engineering aspects in signal measurement and processing. Further inquiries about the Bioelectrical Engineering Minor can be made to Professor Abhyudai Singh at (302) 831-8447 or

Students pursuing the Electrical and Computer Engineering minor can get advice from the ECE office or from the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. The minor is not available to students majoring in Electrical Engineering (ELEG) or Computer Engineering (CPEG). Accomplishment of a minor in Electrical and Computer Engineering has many advantages but it must be understood that meeting the requirements for a minor in Electrical and Computer Engineering without fulfilling the remaining requirements for an accredited engineering degree does not provide the breadth and depth of knowledge required of an electrical or a computer engineer.  For students in other majors, such as Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or Computer Science, a minor in ECE will help expand their knowledge and capabilities and make them more desirable employees in many jobs.

A minor in Cybersecurity may be earned by a student in any University bachelor’s degree program. This minor provides students with an opportunity to help infuse cybersecurity fundamentals into other degree programs. Further inquiries about the Cybersecurity Minor can be made to Professor Chase Cotton at (302) 831-8517 or

Departmental Requirements

To qualify for sophomore standing, students must have satisfactorily completed MATH 241 , MATH 242 , CISC 181 , PHYS 207 , and CPEG 202  by the end of the summer session of their freshman year. With few exceptions, students are expected to complete this program in eight regular semesters. With electrical and computer engineering courses being offered only once each year, it is imperative that students follow as closely as possible the course sequences outlined below.


    MajorHonors DegreeMinor4+1