Mar 13, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Music

Telephone: (302) 831-2577
Faculty Listing:

Department Overview

The mission of the Department of Music is to provide the best educational opportunities for our music majors’ professional development as performers, educators, and scholars. We seek to provide optimal resources for significant musical growth through departmental ensembles, private study, and academic music courses available to the general student and others of the University community. We provide opportunities for cultural enrichment to the University community and its constituencies, as well as leadership and support to music educators and other professional musicians in the region.

Majors & Minors

The curricula for undergraduate students majoring in music lead to the degrees Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts. The programs in the degree Bachelor of Music are directed to those who intend to become professional musicians. They offer opportunities to major in Music Education, Composition, Music Theory, Music History and Literature, or Applied Music (band or orchestral instruments, piano, classical guitar, and voice). The degree Bachelor of Arts offers the opportunity for professional study in music within a liberal arts context. The degree Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in music management studies provides additional opportunities preparing students for administrative careers within the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors of the music industry. All programs in music provide effective preparation for graduate study.

A minor in Music is available in Applied Music, Composition (for music majors only), Musical Studies, Jazz Studies, or Music Management Studies.

The Applied Music minor is for non-Music majors with some musical background who wish to continue their musical training on a more formal basis or music majors who wish to receive formal training on an additional instrument. Places in the Minor program are dependent upon the total load of the applied faculty member involved. Admission into the Applied Music minor is determined by audition and musicality testing. This title represents all Applied Music minors, the actual titles of which include the name of the instrument of study (e.g. Applied Music-Bassoon). List of Applied Music minors can be obtained from the Department or the Academic Advisement Center.

The minor in Church Music is directed to the university student who wishes to learn about fundamental aspects of the field of church music. The minor is open to music majors as well as non-majors with appropriate background in keyboard and musical studies. Admission requires departmental approval, based on audition. The program comprises a sequence of courses focusing on historical information, skills, and practical experience relative to the field of church music. Upon completion of the minor, many students will be prepared for positions as church musicians. This Minor is currently not accepting students.

The Music Minor - Composition is designed for the Music major who has a strong interest in musical composition. Admission to the minor requires approval, based on an interview and the submission of three sample scores.

The Music Minor in Jazz Studies offers a concentrated study of the history, theory, and performance elements of the field of jazz. It is directed towards two groups of students: (1) The non-music major who desires a focused study of jazz and its performance techniques; (2) Music Majors who wish to round out their education in music with a structured study of jazz. For this group, the Minor is an important component in a comprehensive education in Music.

The minor in Music Management Studies examines the theory and practice of core principles in both the nonprofit and forprofit sectors of music. It is intended for Music majors who wish to broaden the scope of their studies and enhance their career options; and non-music majors with a foundation in music who wish to develop executive careers within the music industry. Students interested in the minor in Music Management Studies are strongly urged to seek advisement from the Music Department upon admission to the University and not later than their sophomore year.

The Musical Studies minor is for non-music majors who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of the history and theory of music. No audition is required for admission into the Musical Studies minor.

Department Policies

Entering majors are expected to demonstrate a high level of musical achievement and aptitude. Placement auditions and music theory tests for those students who wish to enter in the fall semester should be completed by June 1 of the preceding spring and must be completed before acceptance is granted. Acceptance to the University does not indicate acceptance as a music major. Students who transfer from accredited colleges are placed in appropriate levels of music theory, literature, and applied music according to the results of transfer credit assessments and placement tests given at the time of transfer.

Part-time music majors must have the permission of the Department Chair to enroll for private study.

Credit for large ensembles, as required by various curricula, is given only for participation during the fall and spring semesters. Bachelor of Music majors are required to complete a Sophomore Review before continuing to the upper-level music major courses. At the end of a Bachelor of Music student’s fourth semester before continuing to the upper-level music major coursework. Detailed information about these and other aspects of curricular policy is published in the Department’s Student Handbook, available online at

Opportunities For Non-Majors

For the general University undergraduate, the department offers courses in the fundamentals of music, music literature, and class study of voice and guitar. All courses in the department are available to any University student who meets course and department prerequisites. Some music courses may be taken as partial fulfillment of breadth requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences. Private study is also available to freshmen in the University Honors Program and to other non-majors, on a space-available basis, through the Music Merit Program. Auditions for these programs are held on the Monday before the first day of class of the academic year by arrangement with the Department office. A variety of performing organizations are available to all University students: marching band, wind and jazz ensembles, orchestra,
choral groups, the early music ensemble, opera workshop, steel band, and various chamber ensembles.

The Department is a leader in the development and implementation of instructional technology. It is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.


    MajorHonors DegreeMinor4+1