Feb 16, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HIST 386 - Asian America: Culture and History Credit(s): 3 ASIAN AMERICA:CULTURE & HISTOR Component: Lecture Explores the literature, culture and history of Asian Americans and immigrants to the United States variously using fiction, drama, poetry, documentary, photography, narrative film, drama, court cases, primary and secondary historical materials. Patterns of Asian immigration, anti-Asian violence and internment, Asian American resistance in litigation, legislation, and cultural activities, from Gold Rush to globalization. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with ENGL 386 , ASIA 386 . University Breadth: History and Cultural Change College of Arts and Sciences Breadth: GROUP B: A&S History & Cultural Change General Education Objectives: