Dec 20, 2024
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SPTM 464 - Sport Management Capstone Internship Credit(s): 9 SPORT MGT CAPSTONE INTERNSHIP Component: Internship Practical learning experience in Sport Management. Reflect on the theoretical aspects of the industry by analyzing real world issues and identifying professional ethical obligations. Faculty feedback is intended to enhance students’ skills and competencies in a targeted career orientation. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 9 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option RESTRICTIONS: Requires permission of instructor. Requirement Designations: Discovery Learning Experience Capstone: Prof Practicum and Internship Course Typically Offered: Fall, Summer and Spring General Education Objectives: GE1A: Read Critically GE1B: Analyze Arguments and Information GE1C: Engage in Constructive Ideation GE2A: Communicate Effectively in Writing GE2B: Communicate Orally GE2C: Communicate Through Creative Expression GE3A: Work Collaboratively Across a Variety of Cultures GE4: Critically Evaluate Ethical Implications