Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Basic Responsibilities

To promote high academic standards and a positive learning environment for all students, every institution of higher learning sets forth degree requirements and community standards. These policies address such issues as curricula and courses, majors and minors, campus residency, and student conduct. Faculty and professional advisors, program directors, and deans can provide specific information concerning these requirements, but the student is solely responsible for understanding and complying with them. Since policies may change from time to time, students are responsible for being aware of these changes and are urged to play an active role in staying informed about current requirements. Generally, the University’s website, (www.udel.edu) is the best source for up-to-date versions of policies.

The University strives to uphold the highest possible standards of academic honesty and personal responsibility. The Code of Conduct contains expectations regarding academic, personal, and social conduct for students while on or off campus. Students are required to read, understand, and abide by the Code of Conduct as published in the Student Guide to University Policies, which can be found at www.udel.edu/stuguide.

Students suspected of a violation of the Code of Conduct are subject to a hearing procedure and possible disciplinary action. For complete information on rules governing student conduct, please refer to the online Student Guide to University Policies at www.udel.edu/stuguide, published by the Office of Student Conduct.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty and integrity lie at the heart of any educational enterprise. Students are expected to be honest and forthright in all their academic endeavors. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal or plagiarize the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an examination or to allow or assist another person to commit an act of academic dishonesty corrupts the essential process by which knowledge is advanced. In accordance with University policy, all acts or attempted acts of alleged academic dishonesty must be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. The faculty member, in consultation with a representative from the Office of Student Conduct, will decide how the violation will be processed through the Student Conduct System. See the online Student Guide to University Policies for complete information.

When in doubt about plagiarism and other academic honesty concerns, students should consult with individual faculty members. Instructors will gladly explain their expectations for ethical academic conduct. Students should be aware of due dates for assignments in order to allow for adequate time for consultation before an assignment is submitted. Students may also visit the University Writing Center for assistance.


Responsible Computing

UD students are granted the privilege of using the University’s extensive computing, technology, and network resources as long as they abide by University of Delaware policies. Continued access to these IT resources depends on students respecting the rights of other users, protecting their accounts and UD’s systems, and abiding by the law.

Before UD students can create their University email accounts, they must complete the Secure UD Student Agreement. This agreement introduces students to University computing and technology policies and the consequences for violating those policies. For more information, students visit the Secure UD website (https://www1.udel.edu/security/students/).

Questions about responsible computing may be directed to the Ask IT Tech Support Center at (302) 831-6000 or askit@udel.edu. If you receive any suspicious emails, please forward them to reportaphish@udel.edu.

Anti-virus Software

If a computer is not running up-to-date anti-virus software, it can become infected with viruses and other malware and threaten the security of other computers on the campus network. Therefore, students are required to have anti-virus software enabled on their computers. Free anti-virus software options: Windows Defender for Microsoft, Avast for Mac, and ClamAV for Linux. For more information, visit the Ask IT website (udel.edu/askit).

To be vigilant, the University suspends network access of infected computers and requires that they be cleaned before they can be re-connected to the network. If assistance is needed to remove malware or virus from the computer (fees apply) please contact the Ask IT Tech Support Center at askit@udel.edu or call (302)831-6000. 

Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) grants to students certain rights, privileges, and protections relative to individually identifiable student educational records that are maintained by the University. FERPA permits the release of directory information to third parties outside the institution without written consent of the student provided the student has been given the opportunity to withhold such disclosure.

The University releases, upon inquiry from third parties outside the University, directory information without written consent of the student. Directory information includes name, address, telephone number, email address, college, class major, dates of attendance, and degrees, honors, and awards conferred. Students may withhold directory information by updating privacy settings in UDSIS.

Additional information regarding FERPA is available online at www.udel.edu/registrar/ferpa.html.