Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies

Fashion Design and Product Innovation BS Four-Year Plan

First Year
CHEM 101 - General Chemistry  and CHEM 131 - General Chemistry Laboratory  (Breadth Requirement Group D) (1/2) ENGL 110 - Seminar in Composition  
FASH 122 - Apparel Product Assembly   FASH 213 - Development of Contemporary Fashion: Cultural Expressions  
FASH 133 - Foundations for Fashion Innovation  (Breadth Requirement Group A) (1/2) FASH 233 - Fashion Drawing and Rendering  
FASH 165 - Fashion and Apparel Studies Seminar   CHEM 102 /CHEM 132  or BISC 106 - Elementary Human Physiology  or STAT 200 - Basic Statistical Practice  (Breadth Requirement Group D) (2/2)
FASH 218 - Introduction to Fashion Business   Mathematics Requirement*
First Year Seminar   
Credits: 15 Credits: 15-16
Second Year
FASH 215 - Fundamentals of Textiles I   FASH 210 - Seminar on Fashion and Sustainability  
FASH 221 - Creative and Technical Design Studio   FASH 220 - Fundamentals of Textiles II  
PSYC 100 - General Psychology  (Breadth Requirement Group C) (1/3) FASH 314 - Apparel Design By Flat Pattern  
Breadth Requirement (Group B) (1/2) SOCI 201 - Introduction to Sociology  (Breadth Requirement Group C) (2/3)
Foreign Language Requirement (1/3) Foreign Language Requirement (2/3)
Credits: 16 Credits: 16
Third Year
COMM 212 - Public Speaking & Professional Presentation   ECON 100 - Economic Issues and Policies  (Breadth Requirement Group C) (3/3)
FASH 333 - Fashion Forecasting and Communication   FASH 324 - Apparel Design By Draping  
FASH 423 - Introduction to Knitwear and Stretch Fabric Design    FASH 421 - Professional Portfolio Development  
Foreign Language Requirement (3/3) Second Writing Requirement
Breadth Requirement (Group A - Non-FASH) (2/2) Breadth Requirement (Group B) (2/2)*
Credits: 16 Credits: 15
Fourth Year
FASH 419 - Social Psychology of Fashion  (DLE) FASH 433 - Advanced Apparel Product Development and Management  
FASH 455 - Global Apparel and Textile Trade and Sourcing   ART, ARTH or THEA Elective (2/3)
FASH 484 - Design Expressions  (Capstone) ART, ARTH or THEA Elective (3/3)
Business Elective (1/2)* Business Elective (2/2)*
ART, ARTH or THEA Elective (1/3) Free Elective
Credits: 15 Credits: 15
Total Credits: 124
     * See program page for approved courses.
** Minimum grade C- required in all major requirements.

Disclaimer: Four-Year Plans are a Departmental suggestion of how a student could complete this degree in four years (eight semesters). Students may opt to take courses in the summer or winter sessions. These plans do not take into account additional requirements brought on by minors or other majors. A Four-Year Plan is subject to change from year-to-year given the resources and focuses of the Department.  It is the student’s responsibility to meet with his or her assigned advisor at least once a semester to monitor progress and ensure that he or she is on track to graduate on time. This document is intended as a supplemental advisement tool to be used in conjunction with in-person advisement and the UDSIS Degree Audit.  Students should direct any questions or concerns regarding degree progress to their advisor or Academic Assistant Dean.