Biomechanics and Movement Science |
BMSC 868 - Research Credit(s): 1-6 RESEARCH Component: Research Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 6 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMSC 869 - Master’s Thesis Credit(s): 1-6 MASTER’S THESIS Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 6 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMSC 969 - Doctoral Dissertation Credit(s): 1-12 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 12 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Pass/Not Pass |
Biomedical Engineering |
BMEG 640 - Attachments in Biology Credit(s): 3 ATTACHMENTS IN BIOLOGY Component: Lecture Facilitate an understanding of how dissimilar materials integrate and attach in biological constructs, both naturally and artificially. Specific examples of this include but are not limited to:tendon-to-bone attachments in the musculoskeletal system; gecko feet attachment to smooth surfaces; underwater adhesives; tissue engineered scaffolds to aid attachment healing; etc. Incorporate lectures, interactive activities, and journal club to emphasize critical thinking and an open-forum environment. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BMEG310 or equivalent, and MSEG302 or equivalent. |
BMEG 641 - Biomechatronics Credit(s): 3 BIOMECHATRONICS Component: Lecture Presents methods for the design and control of electromechanical devices that interact physically with humans to improve biomechanical performance, such as prostheses and exoskeletons. Topics include technologies for sensing and actuation, fundamentals of analog and digital control, methods for the analysis of biological signals such as EMG and of biosignal-based control for human-robot interaction. A mix between standard lectures, laboratory experiments and a final project. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BMEG310 or MEEG112, and BMEG311 or MEEG211, and ELEG305 or MEEG311. |
BMEG 643 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Credit(s): 3 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Component: Lecture This course will cover the fundamental physical principles of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including signal basis, data sampling, basic signal processing, relaxation contrasts, and image formation. The latter portion of the course will explore advanced contrasts, such as motion encoding, functional MRI, diffusion imaging, and elastography. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: ELEG305 or equivalent course on signals and systems. |
BMEG 644 - Microscale Biofluid Mechanics Credit(s): 3 MICROSCALE BIOFLUID MECHANICS Component: Lecture Biomedical applications of microfluidic systems discussed in the context of microfluidic device fabrication, fluid handling, imaging in microfluidic channels, 2D and 3D formats for perfusion culture of cells, micro tissues and organs, micro physiological systems (organ on a chip), microfluidic 3D bioprinting, and microfluidic synthesis. These applications will be used to discuss biological fluid mechanics at the micro and nano length-scales including a physicochemical description of hydrodynamics, scaling laws, mixing phenomena at low Reynolds number, capillarity, double layer phenomena and electrokinetic effects, nanofluidic entropic and confinement effects. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BMEG420 or MEEG331 or equivalent course on fluid mechanics. |
BMEG 661 - Cell Engineering Credit(s): 3 CELL ENGINEERING Component: Lecture
Introduce the fundamentals of cell engineering including intracellular signaling events that regulate cell fate, current fabrication strategies to engineer a cell’s environment, and current results in the literature.
Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Course Typically Offered: Fall
BMEG 662 - Engineering Biomedical Nanostructures Credit(s): 3 ENG BIOMED NANOSTRUCTURES Component: Lecture Describes how to use the engineering design process to create, characterize, and evaluate nanoscale structures for biotechnological applications, with an emphasis on noble metal nanoparticles. Topics include understanding and exploiting the physical properties that emerge at the nanoscale; precisely engineering the architecture and properties of noble metal nanoparticles; and rationally designing experiments to evaluate nanomaterials in biological/biomedical settings. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BMEG301 or equivalent. RESTRICTIONS: Open to BME students; other students may take the course with the instructor’s permission. |
BMEG 663 - Mechanotransduction Credit(s): 3 MECHANOTRANSDUCTION Component: Lecture
Covers topics of mechanosensation and mechanotransduction in biological systems. Includes the principles and evolution of mechanosensory/mechanostransduction systems, their cellular machinery and mechanisms, and their role in health, disease and the engineering of tissues.
Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BMEG401 or equivalent and BMEG301 or equivalent. RESTRICTIONS: Open to BME students; ENGG students may take it with the instructor’s permission. Course Typically Offered: Spring
BMEG 665 - Tissue Biomechanics and Modeling Credit(s): 3 TISSUE BIOMECHANICS & MODELING Component: Lecture Introduction to fundamental laws and material models used to describe the mechanical behavior of biological tissues. Application of these models to musculoskeletal tissues. Introduction to numerical methods used to simulate the response of these tissue to physiological loading. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BMEG310 or equivalent (statics, strength of materials); MATH305 or equivalent (first order ODE, second order linear ODE, Laplace transform, partial differential equations, use of Matlab as a computational tool). RESTRICTIONS: Open to BME student; other students may take it with the instructor’s permission. |
BMEG 666 - Special Problem Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMEG 667 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMEG 671 - Mathematical Physiology Credit(s): 3 MATHEMATICAL PHYSIOLOGY Component: Lecture Mathematical methods in Human Physiology, covering cellular, tissue, organ, and integrated systems. Dynamic modeling of homeostasis, endocrine regulatory systems, immune response dynamics, mutation and selection. Mathematical methods covered include linear and nonlinear differential equations, Lyapunov analysis, mass action, Hamming spaces, reaction-diffusion equations, and simulation. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: May be crosslisted with ELEG 671 . RESTRICTIONS: Seniors, graduate students only. Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring
BMEG 679 - Introduction to Medical Imaging Systems Credit(s): 3 INTRO. TO MEDICAL IMAGING SYST Component: Lecture Physics, instrumentation, system design, and image reconstruction algorithms will be covered for the following modalities: radiography, x-ray computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and real-time ultrasound. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: May be crosslisted with ELEG 679 . PREREQ: Requires permission of instructor. Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring
BMEG 695 - Computational System Biology Credit(s): 3 COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEM BIOLOGY Component: Lecture Computational/mathematical techniques for modeling & analysis of biological systems. Includes properties of gene-regulatory and signaling networks; network reconstruction from data; stochastic modeling to study cellular variation & physiological modeling. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with BINF 695 . |
BMEG 801 - Communication in Biomedical Engineering Credit(s): 3 COMMUNICATION IN BIOMED ENG Component: Lecture Communication methods for professional development such as written and oral presentations. Writing proposals, journal papers, and dissertations. Oral presentation of research, proposals, and informal presentations Selecting a research topic, reviewing literature, generating hypotheses, writing study designs. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option RESTRICTIONS: Class size limited to 20. Graduate students in biomedical engineering or by permission of instructor. |
BMEG 815 - Ethics, Business and Communication Credit(s): 3 ETHICS, BUSINESS & COMMUNIC Component: Lecture Provides professional development in ethics, business and communication related to systems biology research applications in stem cell, tissue engineering, and drug delivery technologies. Intended for PhD students in interdisciplinary life science and engineering programs. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with BINF 815 . |
BMEG 816 - Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments Credit(s): 3 SYS BIOL OF CELL IN ENGNRD ENV Component: Lecture Provides a technical review of systems biology approaches including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics as well as applications in tissue engineering, stem cell differentiation, and drug delivery. Intended for PhD students in interdisciplinary life science and engineering programs. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with BINF 816 . |
BMEG 844 - Computational Biomedicine Credit(s): 3 COMPUTATIONAL BIOMEDICINE Component: Lecture Survey methods and approaches in algorithms, statistics and machine learning, along with their current applications in bio- and medical- informatics. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with CISC 844 . RESTRICTIONS: Should have some background in basic probability and statistics, and background in computing (algorithms). For students outside CIS, Biomedical Engineering or Bioinformatics, permission from the instructor. |
BMEG 866 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMEG 867 - Seminar Credit(s): 1-6 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMEG 868 - Research Credit(s): 1-9 RESEARCH Component: Research Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 9 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMEG 869 - Master’s Thesis Credit(s): 1-6 MASTER’S THESIS Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 9 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BMEG 890 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series Credit(s): 0 BME SEMINAR SERIES Component: Lecture Lectures and discussions by guest speakers, faculty, and students on specialized topics in biomedical engineering. Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Pass/Not Pass Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring
BMEG 964 - Pre-Candidacy Study Credit(s): 3-12 PRE-CANDIDACY STUDY Component: Independent Study Research and readings in preparation of dissertation topic and/or qualifying examinations for doctoral students before admission to candidacy but after completion of all required course work. Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 12 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Pass/Not Pass RESTRICTIONS: Not open to students who have been admitted to candidacy. |
BMEG 969 - Doctoral Dissertation Credit(s): 1-12 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 12 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Pass/Not Pass |
Bioresources Engineering |
BREG 567 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BREG 603 - Soil Physics Credit(s): 3 SOIL PHYSICS Component: Lecture Examines the importance of soil physics in relation to other disciplines of soil and environmental sciences. Topics include status of water in soil, fundamental principles of water flow, differences between saturated and unstaturated water flow, water balance in the field, infiltration, evapotransportation, heat, gas and solute (contaminant) transport in soil. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: Crosslisted with PLSC 603 . |
BREG 666 - Special Problem Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BREG 667 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BREG 866 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BREG 867 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
Business & Economics |
BUEC 601 - Building Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking Credit(s): 1 BUILDING EI & CRITICL THINKING Component: Discussion Emotional intelligence and critical thinking are two important factors for leading and working successfully. The first part of this course will focus on building self-awareness and EI such that we better understand how personality preferences impact our motivation, work and communication styles. The second part of this course will focus on developing our analytical and critical thinking in order to understand how we problem-solve and communicate and what cognitive and emotional biases we need to manage to make better decisions. Allowed Units: 1 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUEC 603 - Communicating, Branding and Career Networking Credit(s): 1 COMM/BRANDNG & CAREER NETWORKS Component: Discussion Learning to be an effective business communicator and storyteller is an essential skill for motivating others and driving your initiatives forward. To do this effectively requires an understanding of how to speak, write and present using a variety of media. Being a strong communicator also helps you shape and build your personal and leadership brand, which in turn, allows you to more intentionally build your business network and manage your career. Allowed Units: 1 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
Business Administration |
BUAD 566 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 567 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 611 - Globalization and Business Credit(s): 3 GLOBALIZATION AND BUSINESS Component: Lecture Assesses environmental, institutional, industrial, strategic, and organizational features of globalization and business. Considers frameworks that guide managers’ understanding of globalization and business, how managers interpret the challenges and opportunities of globalization and the implications of globalization to professional development. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 620 - Fundamentals of Analytics Credit(s): 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICS Component: Lecture Focuses on data analysis for the purpose of measurement, inference, qualityand productivity improvement, and improved managerial decision making. Exploratory data analysis, graphical analysis, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and techniques such as regression are covered. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 621 - Decision Analytics and Visualization Credit(s): 3 DECSN ANLYTCS & VISUALIZATION Component: Lecture Analytics leverages both the proliferation of data and the advancement of computational tools to bring a new level of sophistication to business decision making. As part of developing an analytic mind and skillset, this course teaches students to properly frame decision problems, represent and understand how to manage uncertainty inherent in those problems, manipulate large data sets using modern software to prescribe recommended actions, and to then compel organizational change through data visualizations. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 620 . |
BUAD 622 - Optimization and Spreadsheet Modelling Credit(s): 3 OPTMIZTN & SPREADSHEET MODLING Component: Lecture Managers often find spreadsheets natural, intuitive and user-friendly platforms for organizing information and performing ‘what if’ analyses. Hence, spreadsheets have therefore become indispensable tools of modern business analysis and decision-making. This class teaches students to structure, represent, analyze, and solve various business problems on Excel spreadsheets. In addition, the course shows students how to leverage mathematical programming solvers to provide prescriptive analytics. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 620 . |
BUAD 625 - Business Analytics Capstone Credit(s): 3 BUSINESS ANALYTICS CAPSTONE Component: Lecture Analytics leverages both the proliferation of data and the advancement of computational tools to bring a new level of sophistication to business decision making. As a capstone experience, this course places students in the role of Business Data Analyst. Students will work on large real-world datasets to recommend courses of action to businesses. All phases of the analytics process from data capture to creation of an analytics-driven recommendation or prototype solution will be practiced. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: May be crosslisted with MISY 625 PREREQ: BUAD 621 and ACCT 604 and MISY 631 . |
BUAD 631 - Operations Management and Management Science Credit(s): 3 OPERATIONS MGMT & MGMT SCIENCE Component: Lecture Topics include decision analysis tools, mathematical programming, operations strategy, process management and planning and inventory management concepts. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 620 . |
BUAD 640 - Ethical Issues in Domestic and Global Business Environments Credit(s): 3 ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS ENV Component: Lecture Topics include ethics in organizations, and problems and challenges dealing with external environment demands including global issues. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 641 - Managing the Global Enterprise Credit(s): 3 MANAGING THE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE Component: Lecture Focuses on the development of business strategies and management practices for managing the multinational business organization. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option RESTRICTIONS: Counts toward MBA as an elective. |
BUAD 643 - Special Topics in Global Business Credit(s): 3 SPECIAL TOPICS IN GLOBAL BUS Component: Lecture Examines selected topics in global business that may focus on one or more areas of the world (e.g. the European Union, Latin America, Pacific Basin, etc.). May be offered overseas. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 648 - The Future of Globalization: Issues, Agents, Decisions & You Credit(s): 3 FUTURE OF GLOBALIZATION & YOU Component: Lecture Assesses the professional, economic, political,cultural,institutional, and environmental opportunities and challenges that individuals face in the global business environment. Analytics center on explaining the causes and consequences of the expanding integration of nations. Materials tap varied resources, including contemporary analyses, multimedia profiles, and decision simulations; class design taps various pedagogies, including position papers, discussion boards, and objective assessment; class delivery leverages online technologies. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 666 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 667 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 670 - Managing People, Teams, and Organizations Credit(s): 3 MANAGING PEOPLE, TEAMS & ORGS. Component: Lecture Develops a knowledge base and requisite skills for managing individual, group, and organizational processes through the use of diagnostic models, cases, and/or simulated exercises. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 671 - Managing for Creativity and Innovation Credit(s): 3 MANAGING FOR CREATIVITY & INNO Component: Lecture Focuses on individual characteristics and group and organizational factors that influence the ability of organizations to generate new products and/or processes, and to implement new products/processes. Students practice skills to diagnose barriers and develop creative organizations. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 672 - Strategic Leadership and Change Credit(s): 3 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP & CHANGE Component: Lecture Examines top management’s role in the leadership of organizations and their role in successfully managing organizational change. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option COREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 673 - Advanced Topics in Leadership and Teams Credit(s): 3 ADV TOPICS LEADERSHIP & TEAMS Component: Lecture Offers an in-depth perspective of leadership and an analysis of teams and teamwork. Emphasizes the practical application of theoretical concepts. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 674 - Selected Topics in Management and Leadership Credit(s): 1-3 TOPICS IN MGMT & LEADERSHIP Component: Lecture Examines selected special topics in management and leadership. May be offered on study abroad. Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 675 - Strategic Human Resources Credit(s): 3 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES Component: Lecture Takes an evidence-based approach to examining the science and practice of strategic human resource management. This includes HR planning and recruiting, selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation. Throughout, attention is directed toward issues of ethics and the global management of HR. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . COREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 677 - Skills for Change Agents Credit(s): 3 SKILLS FOR CHANGE AGENTS Component: Lecture Skill and ability for driving change at the individual, team, and organization levels. Team development skills, leadership skills, and negotiation skills are emphasized though simulation exercises. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 678 - Leading Across Boundaries Credit(s): 3 LEADING ACROSS BOUNDARIES Component: Lecture Leaders in organizations increasingly are called upon to be effective across multiple boundaries, such as different societies and language groups, national cultures, regional subcultures, and levels of economic development. Examines the understanding and developes the ability to create connections and promote collaboration across boundaries. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 679 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Credit(s): 3 NEGOTIATION & CONFLICT RESOLUT Component: Lecture Explores the strategy and psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution, including topics such as effective preparation and understanding the role of communication, emotions, and relationships. Simulated negotiations provide the opportunity to put knowledge into practice and acquire feedback on negotiation and conflict resolution skills throughout the semester. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 680 - Marketing Management Credit(s): 3 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Component: Lecture Management of marketing functions in modern profit and non-profit enterprises. Introduction to the marketing management process. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: ACCT 800 and ECON 503. |
BUAD 681 - Research Methods for Marketing Decisions Credit(s): 3 RESEARCH MTHDS: MKTG DECISIONS Component: Lecture Focuses on the techniques of research design, data collection, and data analysis for making marketing decisions. Helps students develop an appreciation for the potential contributions and limitations of marketing research data, enabling them to evaluate marketing research activities. Emphasizes interpretation, not computation, from statistical analyses. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 620 and BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 682 - International Marketing Management Credit(s): 3 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MGMT Component: Lecture Develops managerial decision-making skills in several areas related to international/global marketing such as environmental analysis, planning/organization, marketing research, segmentation, targeting and positioning/competitive analysis, and method of entry. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 683 - Product and Price Management Credit(s): 3 PRODUCT & PRICE MANAGEMENT Component: Lecture Integrates topics in product management and pricing strategy. Special emphasis is given to the use of conceptual frameworks and analytical methods that may be used to improve product and price decisions. The concepts and methods are applied to real-world case studies. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 684 - Special Topics in Marketing Credit(s): 1-3 SPECIAL TOPICS IN MARKETING Component: Lecture Examines selected current marketing topics: e.g., strategy development, opportunity assessment, modeling and marketing programming. Individual inquiry is stressed. Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 685 - Marketing Channels Credit(s): 3 MARKETING CHANNELS Component: Lecture Analyzes marketing channels as social, economic and political systems. Strong emphasis placed on understanding the behavioral dimension of the channel relationship after focusing on the economic and structural aspects of retailing, wholesaling, and physical distribution. Governmental and other constraints on channel activities are also studied. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 686 - Advertising Strategy Credit(s): 3 ADVERTISING STRATEGY Component: Lecture For those with little or no prior experience in advertising. Intended to improve students’ skills with respect to determining advertising strategy. Features a mixture of lecture, case study analysis, class discussion, and team development and presentation of an entire advertising campaign. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 687 - Buyer Behavior Credit(s): 3 BUYER BEHAVIOR Component: Lecture Applied concepts from the social sciences to study factors that influence the acquisition, consumption and disposition of products, services, and ideas. Covers: 1) buyer decision processes; 2) influences on consumer decisions and consumption patterns; and 3) the relationship between buying behavior and strategic decision making. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 688 - Advanced Marketing Management and Strategy Seminar Credit(s): 3 ADV MKT MGMT & STRATEGY SEM Component: Lecture Focuses on the issues faced by senior and middle level marketing executives in an organization. Emphasizes developing a comprehensive marketing strategy that is consistent with corporate plans. Issues explored include: opportunity assessment and competitive analysis, segmentation and positioning, and the development of integrated marketing mix programs. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 689 - Industrial Marketing Credit(s): 3 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING Component: Lecture Studies the marketing of goods and services to businesses, institutions, and the government. Covers organizational buying behavior, product/market planning, sales force and distribution management, pricing and promotion from the perspective of both the buyer and the seller. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 690 - Corporate Strategy Credit(s): 3 CORPORATE STRATEGY Component: Lecture Emphasizes total organization function and performance in a global environment. Examines general management responsibilities for determining objectives and future strategies and seeking commitment for their implementation, integrates functional course concepts to enhance decision making and communication skills through individual and group analyses of specific companies. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: FINC 650 , BUAD 631 , BUAD 670 , BUAD 680 . |
BUAD 691 - Consumer Analytics Credit(s): 3 CONSUMER ANALYTICS Component: Lecture Introduce students to state-of-the-art marketing analytics with data and to teach them how to apply practically these analytics to decisions in the real world. Familiarize the students with relevant and helpful analytics tools. It is not mathematical in nature, but it is hands-on and application-oriented. Attention is focused on interpretation of results and how to obtain them using software. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 and BUAD 681 . Course Typically Offered: Verify offering with Dept
BUAD 693 - Digital Marketing Analytics Credit(s): 3 DIGITAL MARKETING ANALYTICS Component: Lecture Learn the basics of web analytics, search engine analytics, social media analytics, mobile analytics, and an overview of the digital data collection system. Become familiar with analytics terminology and dive deeper into tools required for all digital analytics. Learn to identify the appropriate analytical tool for your specific needs, e.g., website, search engine, social media, mobile, etc. Understand valid and reliable ways to collect and analyze data from the web and gain hands-on experience of conducting digital analytics projects including both quantitative and qualitative data to investigate brand challenges. Learn about understanding and developing a framework for measuring digital campaigns. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 680 and BUAD 681 . Course Typically Offered: Verify offering with Dept
BUAD 699 - Management Consulting Project Credit(s): 3 MANAGEMENT CONSULTING PROJECT Component: Lecture Develop project management skills and gain practical, applied experience through solving a real life management problem in a team-based setting. Includes presentation of problem solution to client organization. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: BUAD 670 . |
BUAD 864 - Internship Credit(s): 1-6 INTERNSHIP Component: Internship Fieldwork designed to allow a student to apply acquired knowledge in a corporate setting. Requires a corporate sponsorship, a performance evaluation to be completed by that sponsor, and a written paper to be submitted to the administrator of internships. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 6 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Pass/Not Pass |
BUAD 866 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
BUAD 867 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
SPTM 616 - Sport Marketing Credit(s): 3 SPORT MARKETING Component: Lecture Marketing applications for amateur and professional sport organizations and the use of sport in the marketing of traditional products and services. Topics include the marketing mix, sport consumer behavior, strategic market planning, branding, and sponsorship. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
SPTM 620 - International Sport Management and Marketing Credit(s): 3 INTERNATIONAL SPRT MAN & MKT Component: Lecture Overview of the global sport industry, including the bid and host process for international sport competitions, the organization of the international sport community, the penetration strategies of American sport leagues and products into international markets, and the structure of sport in other countries. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
SPTM 634 - Sport Business and Finance Credit(s): 3 SPORT BUSINESS & FINANCE Component: Lecture Principles of financial management and microeconomics as applied to the sport industry, with a focus on spectator sports at both professional and collegiate levels. Topics include the financing of sport facility construction, budgeting in collegiate athletics, and the financial effects of collective bargaining agreements. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
SPTM 647 - Legal Aspects of Sport Management Credit(s): 3 LEGAL ASPECTS OF SPORT MANAGE Component: Lecture Overview of the legal principles relevant to sport managers, including tort law, contract law, constitutional law, agency law, risk management, judicial review and administrative law related to the operations and administration of sport and athletic programs. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
Business: Multidisciplinary Business Admin |
BMBA 867 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
Center for Disabilities Studies |
DIST 566 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
DIST 567 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
DIST 666 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
DIST 667 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
DIST 866 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
DIST 867 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
Chemical Engineering |
CHEG 566 - SPECIAL PROBLEM Credit(s): 1-12 SPECIAL PROBLEM Component: Independent Study Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
CHEG 567 - SEMINAR Credit(s): 1-12 SEMINAR Component: Lecture Repeatable for Credit: Y Allowed Units: 99 Multiple Term Enrollment: Y Grading Basis: Student Option |
CHEG 595 - Intellectual Property for Engineers and Scientists Credit(s): 3 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:ENGN&SCI Component: Lecture Methods of protecting intellectual property. Patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and unfair methods of competition, including analyses of significant court decisions in each area. Directed to innovators in all fields interested in legal protection of their ideas. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option |
CHEG 600 - Introduction to Science and Engineering of Polymer Systems Credit(s): 3 INTRO TO POLYMER SCIENCE Component: Lecture Provides an understanding of the science and engineering of macromolecules from a structure/property perspective. Topics include polymerization, chain structure and configuration, polymer size and shape, phase separation behavior, amorphous and crystalline state, glass-rubber transition, cross linking/rubber elasticity, viscoelasticity, rheology polymer processing and mechanical behavior. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: May be crosslisted with MSEG 630 . |
CHEG 604 - Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving Credit(s): 3 ENGINEERING PROBABLITY&STAT Component: Lecture Fundamental approach to modeling, characterization and analysis of random phenomena with the objective of providing students with the basic principles, methods and tools for solving engineering problems involving randomly varying phenomena. Application areas explored include experimental design, manufacturing, system reliability, and cellular biology. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: MATH302, MATH305, or equivalent with permission of instructor. |
CHEG 605 - Multiphase Fluid Mechanics Credit(s): 3 MULTIPHASE FLUID MECHANICS Component: Lecture Presents topics in fluid dynamics of practical importance in the chemical process industries, emphasizing two-phase flow and other advanced topics. Covers two-phase gas-liquid and solid-liquid flow, compressible flow, turbulence, non- Newtonian flow and prime movers. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: CHEG341 or other introductory course in fluid mechanics. |
CHEG 606 - Introduction to Catalysis Credit(s): 3 INTRODUCTION TO CATALYSIS Component: Lecture Introduction to modern principles of catalysis with emphasis on industrial catalytic reactions, mechanisms and kinetics. Principles of homogeneous organometallic catalysis, supported-metal and solid acid heterogeneous catalysis. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: CHEM331 and CHEM444 |
CHEG 608 - Introduction to Particle Technology Credit(s): 3 INTRO TO PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY Component: Lecture Introduction during which the student encounters (a) the characterization of particle properties and their distributions, (b) the fundamental processes by which particles are formed, grow or shrink in size and are dispersed into and separated from continuous fluid phases, and (c) the population balance that is used to describe particle growth and how processing modifies particle distributions. These ideas are then applied to several case studies drawn from industry. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: MATH305, CHEM443, CHEG231 and CHEG341. |
CHEG 610 - Acceptance and Resistance to Innovation Credit(s): 3 ACCEPT & REST TO INNOVATION Component: Lecture Why are novel technologies readily accepted in some communities, yet resisted in other communities? Students will learn through case studies of historical technologies such as the printing press, farm mechanization, and refrigeration as well as contemporary technologies such as genetically modified foods and solar energy. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: May be crosslisted with ENTR 610 . Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring
CHEG 613 - Topics in Energy and the Environment Credit(s): 3 ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Component: Lecture Non-renewable and renewable energy, along with environmental issues that are likely to arise for an industry will be analyzed in a way that leads to profitable processes and product management while maintaining environmental excellence. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option RESTRICTIONS: CHEG Seniors, or CHEG Graduate level status. |
CHEG 614 - Special Topics in Energy Credit(s): 3 SPECIAL TOPICS IN ENERGY Component: Lecture Introduces fundamental and engineering aspects of energy production technology with emphasis on emerging technologies such as microreactors, fuel cells and others. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: CHEG332 or equivalent. |
CHEG 615 - Special Topics in Mixing Credit(s): 3 SPECIAL TOPICS IN MIXING Component: Lecture Introduces basic principles of fluid dynamics, rheology and turbulence that dictate the mixing behavior required to implement a desired process result. Agitation in vessels and pipeline and viscous mixing discussed. Emphasis on recent research on the effects of mixing on chemical reactions. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: CHEG341 |
CHEG 616 - Chemistry and Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces Credit(s): 3 CHEM & PHYSICS OF SURFACES Component: Lecture Fundamental and engineering aspects of metal, semiconductor, and oxide surfaces; their structure and defects, characterization, electronic properties, adsorption and reaction kinetics and thermodynamics. Applications to catalysis, microelectronics, and environment sensitive behavior. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option Crosslisted: May be crosslisted with MSEG 616 . PREREQ: CHEG332 and CHEM444. RESTRICTIONS: Open to seniors and graduate students only. |
CHEG 617 - Colloid Science and Engineering Credit(s): 3 COLLOID SCIEN & ENGINEERING Component: Lecture Surface thermodynamics and intermolecular forces are related to the properties of colloidal dispersions and micellar and surfactant structures. Applications to biological systems, nanotechnology, powder dispersions and supramolecular structures. Repeatable for Credit: N Allowed Units: 3 Multiple Term Enrollment: N Grading Basis: Student Option PREREQ: CHEG325 and CHEM444 |
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