First Year |
PHYS 169 - Perspectives on Physics and Astronomy |
PHYS 208 - Fundamentals of Physics II |
PHYS 207 - Fundamentals of Physics I |
CISC 106 - General Computer Science for Engineers |
CHEM 103 - General Chemistry |
MATH 242 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus B |
MATH 241 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus A |
ENGL 110 - Seminar in Composition |
UNIV 101 - First Year Experience I |
PHYS Elective (1/6) (PHYS 311 recommended) |
Foreign Language Requirement (1/3) |
Credits: 18 |
Credits: 17 |
Second Year |
PHYS 211 - Oscillations and Waves |
Physics Elective (3/6) (PHYS 313 recommended) |
Physics Elective (2/6) (PHYS 310 recommended) |
Foreign Language Requirement (3/3) |
MATH 243 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus C |
Multicultural Requirement (1/1) |
Foreign Language Requirement (2/3) |
Breadth Requirement (2/9) |
Breadth Requirement (1/9) |
Breadth Requirement (3/9) |
Credits: 17 |
Credits: 16 |
Third Year |
Physics Elective (4/6) (PHYS 424 recommended) |
Physics Elective (5/6) (PHYS 333 recommended) |
Breadth Requirement (4/9) (Second Writing Requirement) |
Breadth Requirement (6/9) |
Breadth Requirement (5/9) |
Breadth Requirement (7/9) |
Free Elective (1/11) |
Breadth Requirement (8/9) |
Free Elective (2/11) |
Free Elective (3/11) |
Credits: 15 |
Credits: 15 |
Fourth Year |
Physics Elective (6/6) (PHYS 468 recommended- satisfies DLE and Capstone requirements) |
Free Elective (7/11) |
Breadth Requirement (9/9) |
Free Elective (8/11) |
Free Elective (4/11) |
Free Elective (9/11) |
Free Elective (5/11) |
Free Elective (10/11) |
Free Elective (6/11) |
Free Elective (11/11) |
Credits: 13 |
Credits: 13 |
Total Credits: 124 |