First Year |
CHEM 103 - General Chemistry (4cr.) or CHEM 107 - General Chemistry For Life Sciences I (4cr.) |
CISC 106 - General Computer Science for Engineers (3cr.) |
MATH 241 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus A (4cr.) |
ENGL 110 - Seminar in Composition (3cr.) |
PHYS 169 - Perspectives on Physics and Astronomy (1cr.) |
MATH 242 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus B (4cr.) |
PHYS 207 - Fundamentals of Physics I (4cr.) |
PHYS 208 - Fundamentals of Physics II (4cr.) |
First Year Experience |
PHYS 311 - Aspects of Modern Physics (3cr.) |
Breadth Requirement (1/6) |
Credits: 17 |
Credits: 17 |
Second Year |
MATH 243 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus C (4cr.) |
MATH 302 - Ordinary Differential Equations (3cr.) or MATH 342 - Differential Equations with Linear Algebra II (3cr.) |
MATH 349 - Elementary Linear Algebra (3cr.) or MATH 351 - Engineering Mathematics I (3cr.) |
PHYS 309 - Physics of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (3cr.) |
PHYS 211 - Oscillations and Waves (3cr.) |
PHYS 333 - Fundamentals of Astrophysics (3cr.) |
PHYS 310 - Introduction to Thermal Physics (3cr.) |
Foreign Language or Computer Science Requirement (CISC 210 recommended) (1/3) |
Breadth Requirement (2/6) |
Breadth Requirement (3/6) |
Credits: 16 |
Credits: 15 |
Third Year |
PHYS 424 - Quantum Mechanics I (3cr.) |
PHYS 313 - Physical Optics (4cr.) |
Foreign Language or Computer Science Requirement (CISC 220 recommended) (2/3) |
PHYS 419 - Classical Mechanics I (3cr.) |
Breadth Requirement (4/6) (Multicultural) |
PHYS 603 - Electricity and Magnetism I (3cr.) |
Breadth Requirement (5/6) |
Breadth Requirement (6/6) |
Free Elective (1/6) (MATH 503 recommended) |
Free Elective (2/6) (MATH 535 recommended) |
Credits: 15 |
Credits: 16 |
Fourth Year |
PHYS 468 - Introduction to Research (1 to 6cr.) (DLE/Capstone) |
PHYS 460 - Computational Methods of Physics (3cr.) (Second Writing Requirement) |
PHYS 469 - Observational Astronomy (3cr.) |
PHYS Astrophysics Upper-level requirement** (2/2) |
PHYS Astrophysics Upper-level requirement** (1/2) |
Free Elective (4/6) |
Foreign Language or Computer Science Requirement (3/3) |
Free Elective (5/6) |
Free Elective (3/6) |
Free Elective (6/6) |
Credits: 15 |
Credits: 13 |
Total Credits: 124 |