Feb 14, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Admissions

Baccalaureate graduates of regionally-accredited colleges are eligible to apply to the University of Delaware for admission to a graduate program. Entrance requirements are established by the departments and are subject to approval by the University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies. To be considered for admission, applicants must meet the admission requirements stipulated in the Graduate Program Policy Statement of the academic unit to which the student is applying. Admission to graduate programs at the University of Delaware is selective and competitive based on the number of well-qualified applicants and the limits of available faculty and facilities. Those who meet stated minimum academic requirements are not guaranteed admission, nor are those who fail to meet those requirements necessarily precluded from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths.

The University of Delaware reserves the right to refuse enrollment of any applicant. Applicants are encouraged to contact the academic department for specific admission requirements. See the departmental sections of this catalog for more information about specific departmental admission requirements.

Matriculation Information

Admission to the University is granted to a student to begin graduate studies in a specified semester or term and is valid for that term only. The offer of admission is automatically canceled if the Office of Graduate and Professional Education is not notified of an applicant’s desire to change the matriculation date. Applicants who are unable to begin graduate study in the term or semester specified may request a change by writing the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. If recommended and approved by the student’s program and the Office of Graduate and Professional Education, such an extension may be granted for a period up to one year.

Admission to graduate study does not guarantee admission to a particular course. The graduate student must meet all prerequisites as specified for each course.

Application Procedures and Requirements for Admission

Application Deadline: The University permits each program to establish its application deadline. Applicants should refer to the information given in the academic department segment of this catalog and/or check with the department to which they are applying for specific application deadlines and for other specific admission requirements. Applicants can reference the general Applicant Deadlines web page at: http://grad.udel.edu/apply/application-deadlines/. The University deadlines for application to a graduate degree program if not specified otherwise by a program is July 1 for fall semester, December 1 for spring semester, and April 1 for summer session.

On-line applications are required and may be accessed at http://www.udel.edu/gradoffice/applicants/. All applicant related documents should be uploaded into the online graduate application. Completion of the on-line graduate application includes the following:

  1. A $75 nonrefundable application fee submitted with the application. Credit card payment is accepted. Checks must be made payable to the University of Delaware. Applications received without the application fee will not be processed. Foreign students must use a check drawn on a U.S. bank or an International Postal Money Order. See established application fee waiver categories at: http://www.udel.edu/gradoffice/apply/appfee.html.
  2. Applicants must list and upload unofficial transcripts of all post-high school academic work from all institutions attended. For institutions outside of the United States that issue transcripts in a foreign language, a course-by-course English translation must be uploaded along with the original language document. Refer to http://www.udel.edu/gradoffice/apply/transcript.html for additional information. The Office of Graduate and Professional Education verifies all transcript related documents. If any document is found to have been altered or falsified, the University reserves the right of expulsion.
  3. Applicants must submit a Personal Statement or answer specific questions or essays as part of the application; a Resume; also, some programs require Supplemental Information Forms. Refer to http://www.udel.edu/gradoffice/apply/ for more information about these forms.
  4. Most applicants must submit three letters of recommendation, but some programs require fewer. Please check the program’s web page.
  5. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) admission test scores is required by most departments and some departments also require subject test scores. Applicants for the Master of Business Administration or the Master of Science in Accounting program must submit Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores. Applicants should refer to the information given in the academic department segment of this catalog for specific admission test score requirements in each department. Applicants should request Education Testing Services (ETS) to report official test scores directly to the University of Delaware. The University of Delaware’s institutional code for ETS is 5811. Applicants are encouraged to upload student copies of tests scores with the application. Applicants may self-report scores within the application.
  6. International student applicants must demonstrate a satisfactory level of proficiency in the English language if English is not the first language. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is offered by the Educational Testing Service in test centers throughout the world. The University requires an official paper-based TOEFL score of at least 550 or at least 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) for an applicant to be considered for admission. The University expects a minimum score of 18 on the Internet-based Speaking Test. TOEFL scores more than two years old cannot be validated or considered official. Some programs will accept the IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, that is jointly managed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia. A band score of 6.5 is expected by the University.
    • International students applying for a teaching assistantship must report a paper-based TOEFL score of at least 600 or at least 100 iBT with a speaking score of 20. TOEFL scores more than two years old cannot be validated and cannot be considered official. In addition, international students who are awarded teaching assistantships must attend a month-long training program held in late July and through the third week of August at the University of Delaware’s English Language Institute. Eligibility of the international student to be appointed as a teaching assistant is determined by the student’s TSE/SPEAK and UDIA (University of Delaware Instructional Assessment) scores at the conclusion of this session. The UDIA, a teaching test, supplements the TSE/SPEAK by assessing overall language, cultural, questioning, and basic teaching skills as the ITA (International Teaching Assistant) teaches to a group of students in his/her subject area. Students who do not achieve the appropriate scores may find that their funding in the department is terminated.
    • International students must be offered admission to the University and provide evidence of adequate financial resources before a student visa will be issued. The University has been authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. The University has more than 1000 international graduate students enrolled from more than 96 countries. International students are required to purchase the University-sponsored insurance plan or its equivalent.
  7. Application procedures for senior citizens are the same as for other applicants. The admission application fee and tuition fees will be waived for senior citizen students 60 years of age and older who meet the Delaware residency requirement when admitted to a graduate program. Senior citizens who desire to enroll in graduate courses but who do not seek a degree should contact Professional and Continuing Studies or the Academy of Lifelong Learning for registration information.
  8. It is a Delaware State Board of Health regulation and a University of Delaware mandate that all graduate students with a birth date after January 1, 1957, be immunized for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR). Also, students may be required to provide evidence of PPD (Mantoux) Tuberculosis Screening Test within six months prior to beginning classes. Students are required to show proof of vaccination against meningococcal disease unless granted a waiver. Students should refer to and complete the Student Health Service Immunization Documentation form upon admission.

Application Procedures for Fellowships and Assistantships

Of the approximately 2,700 full-time graduate students, nearly 2,000 receive financial awards. Fellowships, tuition scholarships, assistantships, and internships are awarded on the basis of merit. Application for fellowship or assistantship awards is a part of the admission application form. U.S. applicants are strongly encouraged to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. Applicants should apply by February 1st in most programs to be considered for financial awards. In some fields, funding from the University may be fully committed by March 15. Awarded financial aid is granted to full-time degree students with regular status who are in good academic standing. The award is valid for the term designated. Information on fellowships and assistantships may be obtained from the department to which the student is applying.

The application deadline for need-based financial assistance (FAFSA) is March 1. Refer to the Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships  for details about the various kinds of financial assistance available through various lending agencies.

Categories of Admission Status

Applicants admitted to graduate studies at the University of Delaware will be granted admission status in one of the following categories:


Regular status is offered to applicants who meet all of the established entrance requirements, who have a record of high scholarship in their fields of specialization, and who have the ability, interest, and maturity necessary for successful study at the graduate level in a degree program.

Applicants who file an application during the final year of undergraduate or current graduate work and are unable to submit complete official transcripts showing the conferral of the degree will be admitted pending conferral of the degree if records are otherwise satisfactory and complete. Failure to provide official test scores and documents showing degree conferral by the first day of classes may result in revocation of admission to the graduate program.


Provisional status is offered to applicants who are seeking admission to a degree program but lack specific prerequisites needed in the University of Delaware degree requirements. All provisional requirements must be met within the deadline given before regular status can be granted. Failure to meet the provisions by this deadline is grounds for dismissal from the program. Students admitted with provisional status to a degree program are generally not eligible for assistantships nor fellowships.

Non-Degree Status

Applicants who wish to earn graduate credit but do not intend to earn a graduate degree at the University of Delaware may be admitted with non-degree graduate status. Admission with non-degree status implies no commitment by the University or the graduate program about later admission as a regular student. Such applicants must submit official college transcripts. International applicants must submit official proof of English proficiency such as TOEFL or IELTS

Non-degree students are not required to follow course sequences, but they are held to the same academic standards as are other graduate students. This status is valid for a stated limited time. The student must complete an admission application to be considered for changing to regular status. Earned graduate credit may or may not be accepted if the student’s classification is changed to regular status. In general, graduate credit must fit into an approved program of study and all credits must have been completed within the appropriate time limit.

Non-degree students taking classes under cooperative agreements must submit a letter from their home institution, typically from their graduate dean or registrar, certifying that they are graduate students in good standing at another institution. Such letters will be accepted in lieu of the transcripts that are required of other non-degree applicants.

Degrees Offered

Doctor of Philosophy

The University of Delaware offers the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in animal science and food sciences, applied physiology, art history, biological sciences, bioinformatics and systems biology, biomechanics and movement science, biomedical engineering, chemistry and biochemistry, climatology, computer science, criminology, disaster science and management, economics, economics education, education, energy and environmental policy, engineering (chemical, civil and environmental, electrical and computer, material science, and mechanical), English, entomology and wildlife ecology, financial services analytics, geography, geology, history, human development and family studies, linguistics, marine studies, mathematics and applied mathematics, medical sciences, nursing science, ocean engineering, oceanography, physics, plant and soil sciences, political science and international relations, preservation studies, psychology, sociology, urban affairs and public policy, and water science and policy. In addition to the general requirements outlined in this section of the catalog, there is a section in the catalog for each instructional major which explains specific requirements for the degree in that department.

Doctor of Physical Therapy

The degree of Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) is a professional degree preparing students to deliver direct patient care in an integrated process that includes examination, evaluation, planning, supervision, and performance of treatment programs.

Doctor of Education

The degree of Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in educational leadership is offered by the College of Education and Human Development. In addition to the general requirements outlined in this section of the catalog, there is a section in the catalog explaining the special requirements for this degree.

Doctor of Nursing Practice

The degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice is offered by the College of Health Sciences. The program includes nurse practitioner concentrations as terminal degree in nursing for an advanced nursing practice role.

Education Specialist

The degree of Education Specialist (Ed.S.) is a professional degree to be awarded to students who hold the Master of Arts degree in School Psychology and who complete the additional 30 credit hour certification requirements as an educational specialist.

Master of Arts

The academic research degree of Master of Arts (MA) is offered in agricultural education, art history, art history for museum professionals, chemistry and biochemistry, communication, criminology, American material culture, childhood education in languages, literatuares and cultures, economics, economics and entrepreneurship for educators, education, English, foreign languages and literatures, foreign languages and pedagogy, geography,  history, interaction design, Italian Studies, leadership in disability services, liberal studies, linguistics and cognitive science, political science and international relations, psychology, school psychology, social studies in world history, sociology, speech-language pathology, teaching English as a second language, and urban affairs and public policy.

Master of Science

The academic research degree of Master of Science (MS) is offered in accounting, agriculture and resource economics, anatomy and clinical health science, animal science, art conservation, bioinformatics, bioinformatics and computational biology, biological sciences, biomechanics and movement science, bioresources engineering, biotechnology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer science, cybersecurity, disaster science and management, economics, entomology, entrepreneurship and design, exercise science, fashion studies, finance, food science, geography, geology, hospitality of business management, health services administration, human development and family studies, human nutrition, information systems and technology management, marine studies, mathematics and applied mathematics, neuroscience, ocean engineering, physics, plant and soil sciences, public horticulture, statistics, water science and policy, and wildlife ecology.


Master of Accounting Practice

The Masters of Accounting Practice is designed for those individuals who did not major in accounting as an undergraduate but who want to pursue the professional practice of accountancy through graduate study and prepare to sit for the Uniform CPA Examination.

Master of Applied Sciences

The academic research degree of Master of Applied Sciences (MAS) may be earned in civil engineering.

Master of Business Administration; Master of Arts in Economics/Master of Business Administration

The professional degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the combined professional degree of Master of Arts in Economics/Master of Business Administration are offered as a combined degree program by the Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Master of Business Administration; Master of Science in Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Technology Management, Hospitality Business Management, International Business

The professional degrees of Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the combined professional degree Master of Science in Accounting, Finance, Hospitality Business Management, International Business, or Information Systems and Technology Management, are offered as combined degree programs by the Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Master of Chemical Engineering, Master of Civil Engineering, Master of Materials Science & Engineering, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering/Master of Business Administration.

The academic research degrees in Engineering and the professional degree of Master of Business Administration are offered as combined degree programs by the College of Engineering and the Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Master of Education

The programs leading to the professional degree of Master of Education (MEd) are designed particularly for teachers and administrators in the public schools. Majors are offered in literacy, teacher leadership, exceptional children and youth, and educational technology.

Masters Degrees in Engineering

The academic research degrees of Master of Chemical Engineering (MChE), Master of Civil Engineering (ME), Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS), Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME), Master of Materials Science and Engineering (MMSE) are conferred under the direction of each of these departments in the College of Engineering. A non-thesis Master of Engineering: Mechanical (MEM) and a Master of Engineering in Particle Technology is available. In addition, the interdisciplinary MS is offered in Ocean Engineering.

Master of Energy and Environmental Policy

The program leading to the Master of Energy and Environmental Policy (MEEP) is designed for students who wish to study energy and environmental policy issues. The program is administered in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Master of Fine Arts

The Department of Art offers individually planned programs leading to the Master of Fine Arts (MFA). In art, a program with studio concentrations is offered to outstanding students preparing for professional careers in ceramics, printing, photography, printmaking, or sculpture.

Master of Marine Policy

The degree of Master of Marine Policy (MMP) is a professional degree designed for individuals seeking or continuing careers in government, business, or public interest organizations that are concerned about marine policy. It is conferred under the supervision of the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment utilizing the research facilities of the Center for the Study of Marine Policy.

Master of Music

The Master of Music (MM) degree program (with concentrations in composition, conducting, performance, or teaching) is designed to prepare students for careers in the field of music either as performers or as music educators.

Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) professional degree program is designed for persons in or seeking to enter governmental service and related occupations. It is offered by the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy.

Master of Science in Nursing

The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) is designed to prepare clinical nurse specialists, nurse administrators, and family nurse practitioners.

Professional Science Master’s

The Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degree is offered in Biotechnology in the Department of Biological Sciences and in Bioinformatics in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences.