Feb 18, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Delaware’s Grading System

How We Grade You

At the end of each term, grades are reported to students electronically. Reports of grades are available through UDSIS Personal Access website. The University uses a system of letter grades with plus and minus designators.

NOTE: In courses requiring a minimum letter grade (for example, a C or better), the minus grade (for example, C-), fulfills the requirement, unless 2.0 minimum is specified. Similarly, when a B or better is required, a B- fulfills the requirement. However, the quality points per credit for a C- are fewer than for a C (see chart below). Undergraduate students must achieve an overall cumulative grade point index of at least 2.0 for graduation.

The following final grades are used:

A Excellent 4.000 quality points per credit

A- 3.667 quality points per credit

B+ 3.333 quality points per credit

B Good 3.000 quality points per credit

B- 2.667 quality points per credit

C+ 2.333 quality points per credit

C Fair 2.000 quality points per credit

C- 1.667 quality points per credit

D+ 1.333 quality points per credit

D Poor 1.000 quality points per credit

D- 0.667 quality points per credit

F Failure 0.00 quality points per credit

X - Failure, 0.00 quality points per credit
(Academic Dishonesty)

Z - Failure, 0.00 quality points per credit
(Unofficial Withdrawal)

L Listener (Audit) - Registration without credit or grade. Class attendance is required, but class participation is not.

LW Listener Withdrawn - A listener who does not attend sufficient class meetings to be eligible, in the judgment of the instructor, for the grade of L will receive the grade LW.

NR No grade required.

P Passing - For specifically authorized courses. P grades are not calculated in indexes. (For further explanation, see Pass/Fail grade option section.)

W Official Withdrawal - Passing at time of withdrawal.

The following temporary grades are used:

I Incomplete - In the event that a student fails to complete a course due to illness or other reason deemed adequate by the instructor.

S Satisfactory progress - For thesis, research, dissertation, independent study, special problems, distance learning and other courses which span two semesters or in which assignments extend beyond the grading deadline in a given semester.

U Unsatisfactory progress - For thesis, research, dissertation, independent study, special problems, distance learning and other courses which span two semesters or in which assignments extend beyond the grading deadline in a given semester.

Temporary grades of S and U are recorded for work in progress pending completion of the project(s). Final grades are reported only at the end of the semester in which the work was completed.

N No grade reported by instructor.

All students, whether or not they intend to return to the University, may remove temporary grades from their records by adhering to the following regulations:

  • A grade of I (Incomplete) must be removed no later than the end of the first two weeks of the semester immediately following the course in question, with the exception of prerequisite courses. In the case of prerequisite courses, the incomplete work must be completed and the grade posted to the student’s academic record before the first day of the class which requires the prerequisite. An incomplete grade does not satisfy prerequisite requirements. Students may lose their seat in the course requiring the prerequisite if a required grade is not posted by the start of class. Incomplete work for the fall semester and winter session must be completed within the first two weeks of the spring semester; incomplete work in the spring semester and summer sessions must be completed within the first two weeks of the following fall semester.
  • An incomplete (“I”) grade will default to a grade of “F” two weeks into the next regular semester. At the time of grading, course instructors who give an “I” grade must submit the Incomplete Grade Explanation or Extension web form if they wish to provide an alternative to the default grade of “F” or if they wish to extend the default deadline to allow the student additional time to complete the work. The Incomplete Grade Explanation or Extension web form can be found in the UDSIS Faculty Center Forms folder.
  • Temporary grades of S and U may stand until the completion of the thesis or research, at which time final grades of A, B, C, D (plus or minus), or F will be recorded. These grades replace all S or U grades in preceding periods of enrollment. Students may not graduate if their records contain any temporary grades.

Pass/Fail Is Sometimes An Option

Some courses are offered only on a pass/fail basis. In addition, each semester matriculated students have the option to take one course that is offered on a letter-grade basis on a pass/fail basis. The total number of credits earned on a pass/fail basis may not exceed 24 in the baccalaureate degree program, excluding those courses that are graded pass/fail only.

In most instances a pass/fail course can only be used as a free elective. A course taken on a pass/fail basis cannot be used to fulfill the University multicultural requirement. Students are encouraged to consult with and obtain approval from their advisors in the selection of courses to be taken on a pass/fail basis.

Even when students complete a course on a pass/fail basis, the instructor will assign a regular grade. If the student has a grade of A, B, C or D (plus or minus), a grade of P will be listed on the report of grades and on the transcript. If the student receives a grade of F, it will be recorded on the permanent record. A passing grade will not be counted in the GPA. A failing grade under the pass/fail option will be counted in the GPA.

How Your Index Is Calculated

The cumulative grade point index (also known as GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of quality hours. The quality points for each course are obtained by multiplying the quality point value for each grade by the credits for that course: e.g., a grade of A in a three credit course would earn 12 quality points (4 quality points x 3 credits). A minimum average of C, or a scholastic index of 2.0, in all work taken at the University of Delaware is required for the baccalaureate degree. Both term and GPAs are calculated and reported to students after each grading period.

A grade of Z is equal to a grade of F in calculating the index (0 quality points per credit). For courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis, F grades are included in the calculation of the grade point index, but P grades are not. All other grades for courses taken for credit at the University are included in the calculation of the index, including the first and later grades for courses that have been repeated. The credits for courses repeated to improve a grade are counted only once toward the minimum required for graduation.

Credits and quality points for courses completed elsewhere and transferred to the University will not be included in the student’s University of Delaware cumulative grade point index.

Maintain Your Good Academic Standing

Students are expected to maintain an overall cumulative grade point average of C (2.00 GPA) to be in good academic standing, and full-time students must enroll in at least 12 credits per semester. Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 accumulate quality-point deficits and will be placed on academic probation or will be subject to academic dismissal, depending on the number of quality-point deficits. Deficit points, probation and dismissal are described below.

Quality Point Deficit

A quality point deficit system is used to determine academic standing; a deficit begins to accumulate when a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0. The quality point deficit is determined by subtracting the cumulative number of quality points from twice the cumulative number of quality hours. Quality hours are calculated only for courses receiving grades of A, B, C, D (plus or minus), F, X and Z; courses with Passing grades, Listener, Incomplete, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, or Withdrawal, as well as noncredit and remedial courses, are not included in the quality hours total.

The size of the quality point deficit is related to the number of credits you have earned. In brief, a single grade of F has more impact on a freshman than on a senior, because the good grades that a senior had previously earned will buffer the impact of a single F.

Once your cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0, every additional grade below a C will contribute to your quality point deficit. On the other hand, grades above a C will erase deficit points and improve your GPA.

Academic Probation

Students whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation, as long as their quality point deficit is between 0.01 and 12.99. Students on Academic Probation may be enrolled in a maximum of 14 credits. Academic probation will be lifted as soon as the cumulative GPA is at least 2.00 and all deficit points are eliminated. Students must earn at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA in order to qualify for graduation; degrees cannot be awarded to students on Academic Probation.

Academic Dismissal

Twice a year, in January and June, the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (“CURC”) reviews the records of matriculated students who have deficient cumulative grade point averages. The committee will dismiss students from matriculated status if they have earned 13.00 or more deficit points. Students may reach dismissal status in one semester or over the course of multiple semesters, depending on their academic performance during their time at UD, even if they have not previously been on academic probation.

Matriculated means that the student had been formally admitted to the University as a degree-seeking student; dismissal means that the student is no longer considered a degree-seeking candidate and is not eligible to enroll in full-time study.

Students who are facing dismissal review by CURC, will be notified of this by the Office of the University Registrar and will be given an opportunity to present an appeal through their Academic Assistant Dean. Students with serious extenuating circumstances, such as a documented serious illness or documented personal problems, may present an appeal through their Assistant Dean to CURC for potential reinstatement on special probation. Such documentation must be provided in English. CURC approves such requests on a case-by-case basis. For more information, see “Special Probabation” section below and www.udel.edu/provost/curc.html.

Students who have been dismissed from matriculated status by CURC, may take up to seven credits of courses each term through the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies at UD. However, dismissed students who are taking courses through Professional and Continuing Studies are not formally enrolled in any major or degree program and are not eligible to receive a degree. The student’s classification will be changed to CEND (Continuing Education Non-Degree) and eligibility for most forms of financial aid may be lost, since financial aid usually requires full-time status and matriculation. In addition, dismissed students face restrictions for on-campus housing and provision of campus services. More information is available from the UD ACCESS Center (http://www.pcs.udel.edu/access/), which provides advisement services to dismissed students who enter CEND status.

In order to earn a degree, dismissed students must be approved for readmission (see “Procedure for Undergraduate Readmission” below).

Special Probation

Students who are facing dismissal because they have more than 13 or more quality point deficits, but who have documented extenuating circumstances, may request an exception to University policy and ask the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC) that they be retained on Special Probation. Special Probation is granted only when there are circumstances beyond a student’s control, and when evidence suggests that the student will be able to meet academic standards if given an additional opportunity. A student must submit a written petition for Special Probation to CURC through their college’s Assistant Dean, and the petition must be accompanied by appropriate documentation of the extenuating circumstances.

A student on Special Probation may remain enrolled full-time at the University, but the student’s record will be reviewed at the end of each successive term with the expectation that the quality point deficit will decrease because better grades have been earned. If the quality point deficit increases, or if it fails to decrease, the student will be dismissed. The term-by-term review of the quality point deficit will continue as long as the student remains on Special Probation. Special Probation status will be lifted when the student decreases the quality point deficit to less than 13.00: the student will be moved to regular Academic Probation if the deficit points are between 0.01 to 12.99, and will be in good academic standing when all deficit points have been removed.

Special consideration is given to first-semester students (freshmen and transfers) who are facing dismissal. Students who finish their first semester at UD with 13 or more deficits may request to be placed on Freshman Special Probation through the second semester instead of being dismissed. Placement on Freshman Special Probation is subject to approval by an Assistant Dean and by CURC and will be dependent on evidence of ability to succeed at UD. Registration for courses while on Freshman Special Probation will be supervised by the student’s Assistant Dean.

Procedure for Undergraduate Readmission

Students must apply for readmission in order to return to pursue a baccalaureate degree after an official separation from an undergraduate degree program at UD or after previously earning a UD undergraduate degree.

Students who were dismissed for academic deficiency must wait at least one full semester (fall or spring) before readmission consideration. Students may attempt to gain eligibility for readmission by taking up to seven credits of courses each term through Professional and Continuing Studies (see section above on “Academic Dismissal”). Grades earned in these courses will be included in the student’s cumulative UD GPA; grades above a C will help to erase deficit points and improve the GPA, while grades below a C will add to the number of deficit points. Students who were dismissed for academic deficiency must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 before enrolling as a readmitted student. Readmission is necessary in order to earn a degree from the University. Any readmitted student who is dismissed a second time for unsatisfactory academic performance will not be readmitted again as a matriculated degree-seeking student, except under conditions specified by the student’s assistant dean.

Students who were not academically dismissed also must have a cumulative UD GPA of 2.0 before enrolling as a readmitted student. Exceptions must be approved by the academic assistant dean of the college into which the student is pursuing readmission. There is no guarantee of admission into the academic program in which a student was previously enrolled. Restricted majors will often have additional GPA requirements for readmission consideration. Students accepted for readmission will be held to the degree requirements in place at the time of readmission. As much as possible, prior course work will be accepted toward the degree. Course work that has been taken more than seven calendar years earlier will be reviewed for applicability, and an individual department may require repetition of “outdated” courses. Course work completed at another institution does not factor into the UD GPA and official transcripts documenting such course work must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar. Students cannot pursue readmission into a major/minor in a field or related field for which the student has already completed (i.e. if a student previously completed an Art History minor, one cannot pursue readmission into an Art History major).

The application for readmission cannot be submitted with any hold on a student’s record, including financial holds or disciplinary holds. If a student was separated from the University for disciplinary reasons, he or she needs to contact the Office of Student Conduct to verify eligibility before the readmission application may be submitted.

Students may apply for readmission for the fall or spring semesters, as well as summer or winter terms. It is recommended to submit the readmission application approximately six months before the desired entry term (ex: apply by March for fall consideration and by October for spring consideration). The deadline to submit the readmission application is before the first day of the semester/term for which a student is applying. All students seeking readmission must pay an application processing fee. Readmission decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, taking the entire academic record into account; improvement of the cumulative GPA alone does not guarantee readmission. Students will be informed of the decision by way of an email from the Office of the University Registrar. While decision times can vary, most applicants receive a readmission decision within 2-3 weeks from their application date. Additional information on readmission procedures and the Application for Undergraduate Readmission can be found on the Office of the University Registrar’s website.

Committee On Undergraduate Records And Certification (CURC)

The University’s policies regarding academic standing, academic probation, and academic dismissal are carried out by the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC), made up of faculty members and University administrators. Specifically, CURC reviews the records of matriculated students after each fall and spring semester, and considers petitions regarding dismissal, probation, and other matters. Students submit their petitions through their Assistant Dean’s office, and do not meet with the Committee in person. Petitions must be in writing and signed by the student, and must be submitted prior to graduation, since the student’s record is finalized when the degree is posted.

The Dean’s List: Honoring Those With Top Semester Grades

The Dean’s List, an honor conferred at the end of the fall and spring semesters, recognizes outstanding academic performance by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students who have been graded in a minimum of 12 credits counting towards their GPA for the semester (or a minimum of 6 credit hours counting toward their GPA if they are designated as full-time students under the Office of Disability Support Services’ Reduced Course Load Policy) and who have earned a minimum 3.33 GPA for a given semester are honored with Dean’s List recognition for that semester.